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What information do I need to provide when submitting a complaint to the Office of Inspector General Hotline?


Please provide the following information. If you would like your referral to be submitted anonymously please indicate in your correspondence or phone call that you wish to remain anonymous.

This is the information needed for all complaints:

  1. Your Name
  2. Your Street Address
  3. Your City/County
  4. Your State
  5. Your Zip Code
  6. Your Email Address
  7. Subject/Person/Business/Department that allegation is against:
    1. Name of Subject
    2. Title of Subject (if applicable)
    3. Subject's Street Address
    4. Subject's City/County
    5. Subject's State
    6. Subject's Zip Code
  8. Please provide a brief summary relating to your allegation.

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Last Updated: 04/01/2008