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Head Start Research

Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES),

Overview | Reports | Presentations and Papers | Instruments | Related Resources




  • Beginning Head Start: Children, Families and Programs in Fall 2006, December 2008
    [HTML, Coming Soon | Color PDF, 4.62m]

  • FACES 2006: Study Design, March 2007
    [HTML | Color PDF, 627k | B&W PDF, 109k]

  • "Friendly FACES" - FACES Findings: New Research on Head Start Outcomes and Program Quality, December 2006
    [HTML | Color PDF, 613k | B&W PDF, 372k]

  • FACES 2003 Research Brief: Children's Outcomes and Program Quality in Head Start, December 2006
    [HTML | Color PDF, 475k]

  • Head Start Performance Measures Center, Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES 2000): Technical Report, February 2006
    [HTML | Color PDF, 1.76m]

  • Executive Summary for Head Start FACES 2000: A Whole-Child Perspective on Program Performance, April 2003
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 138k]

  • Head Start FACES 2000: A Whole-Child Perspective on Program Performance, Fourth Progress Report, May 2003
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 2.47m]

  • Descriptive Study of Head Start Families: FACES Technical Report I, A, January 2002
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 7.79m]

  • Head Start FACES: Reaching Out to Families: Head Start Recruitment and Enrollment Practices, January 2001

  • Head Start FACES (1997): Longitudinal Findings on Program Performance, Third Progress Report, January 2001
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 1.83m]

  • FACES Findings: New Research on Head Start Program Quality and Outcomes, June 2000
    [HTML | Color PDF, 348k]

  • Head Start FACES (Pilot): Program Performance Measures, Second Progress Report, June 1998
    [HTML | Color PDF, 1.40m]


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 Presentations and Papers

Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting in Tampa, Florida, April 24-27, 2003

  • Whole-Child Perspective on Head Start Reform: Findings on Children's Cognitive and Socio-Emotional Development from FACES 2000, A, April 2003
    [HTML | Color PDF, 190k]

  • Relationship Between Curricula and Family, Program and Classroom Characteristics, April 2003
    [HTML | Color PDF, 165k]

  • Understanding Quality in Head Start Classrooms: The Role of Teacher and Program-Level Factors, April 2003
    [HTML | Color PDF, 179k]

  • Relationship of Program and Classroom Characteristics to Children's Cognitive Gains and Social Development in Head Start, April 2003
    [HTML | Color PDF, 224k]

  • Relationship of Family and Parental Characteristics to Children's Cognitive and Social Development in Head Start, April 2003
    [HTML | Color PDF, 418k]

  • Predictive Validity of Cognitive and Behavioral Measures in Head Start: Relationships Within and Across Cognitive and Social Developmental Domains, April 2003
    [HTML | Color PDF, 185k]


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Head Start's 6th National Research Conference in Washington, DC, June 26-29, 2002

  • Tapestry of Head Start Families: Challenges They Face and Strengths They Possess, A, June 2002
    [HTML | Color PDF, 288k]

  • Exploring Diversity Among Head Start Families, June 2002
    [HTML | Color PDF, 245k]

  • Head Start Families and the Challenges They Encounter, June 2002
    [HTML | Color PDF, 302k]

  • Evidence of Strengths and Resilience Within Head Start Families, June 2002
    [HTML | Color PDF, 225k]

  • Head Start’s Role in Helping Families, June 2002
    [HTML | Color PDF, 233k]

  • Improving the Performance of the Head Start Program: Findings From FACES 2000, June 2002
    [HTML | Color PDF, 117k]

  • Constancy and Change in Head Start Classroom Quality and School Readiness Gains, June 2002
    [HTML | Color PDF, 209k]

  • Relationship of Classroom Quality and Type of Curriculum to Children's Progress in Head Start, June 2002
    [HTML | Color PDF, 183k]

  • Relationships of Teacher Beliefs and Qualifications to Classroom Quality in Head Start, June 2002
    [HTML | Color PDF, 268k]

  • Curricula Being Used in Head Start Programs: Who Gets What?, June 2002
    [HTML | Color PDF, 149k]


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Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 19-22, 2001.
(Poster Symposium-Longitudinal Findings from the Head Start FACES Study: Family, Neighborhood and Preschool Quality Factors in School Readiness)

  • Disabilities Among Children Enrolled in Head Start: Relationships to Child and Parent Outcomes, April 2001
    [HTML | Color PDF, 100k]

  • Latino Children in Head Start: Family Characteristics, Parent Involvement, and Satisfaction with the Head Start Program, April 2001
    [HTML | Color PDF, 436k]

  • Investigating the Role of Head Start Parents as Primary Nurturers of Their Children, April 2001
    [HTML | Color PDF, 116k]

  • Unpacking Quality in Head Start Classrooms: Relationships Among Dimensions of Quality at Different Levels of Analysis, April 2001
    [HTML | Color PDF, 128k]

  • Design and Implications of the Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES), April 2001
    [HTML | Color PDF, 212k]

  • Do Neighborhoods Matter? Exploring Relationships Between Neighborhood Characteristics and Family Child Outcomes, April 2001
    [HTML | Color PDF, 125k]

  • Growth in Children's Literacy Skills in Head Start and Early Elementary School: Implications for Preschool Curricula, April 2001
    [HTML | Color PDF, 181k]


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Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 15-18, 1999.
(Poster Symposium-Emerging Views of Children in Poverty: The Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey)

  • Is Head Start Providing High-Quality Educational Services? Unpacking Classroom Processes, April 1999
    [HTML | Color PDF, 84k]

  • What Children Know and Can Do at the End of Head Start and How It Relates to Program Quality, April 1999
    [HTML | Color PDF, 82k]

  • How Do Head Start Staff Characteristics Relate to Parent Involvement and Satisfaction?, April 1999
    [HTML | Color PDF, 73k]

  • Evolving Portrait of Head Start Families, An, April 1999
    [HTML | Color PDF, 194k | PPT, 123k]

  • FACES Embedded Case Study: Documenting the Methodology and Early Findings, The, April 1999
    [HTML | Color PDF, 158k]

  • Impact of Head Start Fathers on the Lives of Their Children, The, April 1999
    [HTML | Color PDF, 183k | PPT 127k]

Advisory Committee on Head Start Research and Evaluation Meeting, April 26, 1999

  • Head Start Program Performance Measures Initiative and the FACES Study Design, The, April 1999
    [HTML | Color PDF, 80k]

Children and Families Magazine, Winter 2003

  • Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey: What Are We Learning About Program Quality and Child Development? The, Winter 2003
    [HTML | Color PDF, 215k]


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FACES 1997 and 2000 Instruments
(Copyrighted instruments are not presented in full because of copyright protections but include citation and ordering information. Interviews and surveys are presented in full.)

FACES 1997:

Child Instruments

Parent Instruments

  • Sources of Items in the Parent Interviews

  • Head Start Parent Interviews (English), Fall 1997
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 746k]

  • Head Start Parent Interviews (Spanish), Fall 1997
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 421k]

  • Head Start Parent Interviews (English), Spring 1998
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 721k]

  • Head Start Parent Interviews (Spanish), Spring 1998
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 518k]

  • Head Start Parent Interviews, Supplement (English), Spring 1998
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 155k]

  • Head Start Parent Interviews, Supplement (Spanish), Spring 1998
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 156k]

  • Head Start Parent Interviews (English), Spring 1999
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 814k]

  • Head Start Parent Interviews (Spanish), Spring 1999
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 590k]

  • Kindergarten Parent Interviews (English), Spring 1998
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 471k]

  • Kindergarten Parent Interviews (Spanish), Spring 1998
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 456k]

  • Kindergarten Parent Interviews (English), Spring 1999
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 485k]

  • Kindergarten Parent Interviews (Spanish), Spring 1999
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 469k]

  • 1st Grade Parent Interviews (English), Spring 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 589k]

  • 1st Grade Parent Interviews (Spanish), Spring 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 517k]


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Classroom Instruments

Staff Instruments

  • Staff Instruments Index

  • Center Director Interview, Fall 1997
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 472k]

  • Classroom Teacher Interview, Spring 1998
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 338k]

  • Family Service Worker Interview, Spring 1999
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 257k]

  • Head Start Teacher Self-Administered Surveys, Spring 1997
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 128k]

  • Head Start Teacher Self-Administered Surveys, Fall 1997
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 103k]

  • Head Start Teacher Self-Administered Surveys, Spring 1998
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 228k]

  • Head Start Teacher Self-Administered Surveys, Spring 1999
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 339k]

  • Kindergarten Teacher Self-Administered Surveys, Spring 1998
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 179k]

  • Kindergarten Teacher Self-Administered Surveys, Spring 1999
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 116k]

  • Kindergarten Teacher Self-Administered Surveys, Spring 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 192k]

  • First Grade Teacher Self-Administered Survey, Spring 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 192k]

Validation Sub-Study Instruments


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FACES 2000 Instruments:

Child Instruments

  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy Instruments, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Third Edition (PPVT-III), Summer 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 53k]

  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy Instruments, Woodcock-Johnson Psycho -Educational Battery–Revised, Summer 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 60k]

  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy Instruments, Measure modified from Color Concepts and Number Concepts, Summer 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 53k]

  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy Instruments, McCarthy Draw-A-Design Task (from McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities), Summer 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 53k]

  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy Instruments, Story and Print Concepts, Summer 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 60k]

  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy Instruments, Parent Report of Child’s Emerging Literacy, Summer 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 51k]

  • Self-Regulation/Social-Emotional Development Instruments, Leiter-Revised Sustained Attention Task (Spring 2001 only), Summer 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 54k]

  • Self-Regulation/Social-Emotional Development Instruments, Assessor Ratings of Children’s Social Competencies, Summer 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 45k]

  • Self-Regulation/Social-Emotional Development Instruments, Child Behavior Problems Index, Summer 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 49k]

  • Self-Regulation/Social-Emotional Development Instruments, Child Observation Record (COR), Summer 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 48k]

  • Self-Regulation/Social-Emotional Development Instruments, Behavior Problems Scale (Teacher Report), Summer 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 50k]

  • Self-Regulation/Social-Emotional Development Instruments, Social Skills and Positive Approach to Learning (Parent Report), Summer 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 45k]

  • Self-Regulation/Social-Emotional Development Instruments, Cooperative Classroom Behavior (Teacher Report), Summer 2000
    [HTML | B&W PDF, 46k]


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