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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Report to Congress on Adoption and Other Permanency Outcomes for Children in
Foster Care: Focus on Older Children


Child and Family Services Reviews, Findings from the First 52 Reviews

Table 1 - Findings on the Outcomes, Indicators, and National Standards

Number and Percent of the 50 States and Two Territories Achieving Substantial Conformity with the Seven Outcome Measures, Number and Percent Receiving a Rating of "Strength" on the 23 Indicators (Items), and Number and Percent Meeting National Standards.

Outcomes and Indicators Number (%) Achieving Substantial Conformity Number (%)
Receiving a
Rating of
Number (%)
Meeting National Standards*
Safety Outcome 1-Children are first and foremost, protected from abuse and neglect 6 (11.5) blank cell blank cell
      Item 1: Timeliness of investigations blank cell 21 (40.4) blank cell
      Item 2: Repeat maltreatment blank cell 17 (32.7) 17 (32.7)
Safety Outcome 2 - Children are safely maintained in their homes when possible 6 (11.5) blank cell blank cell
      Item 3: Services to prevent removal blank cell 21 (40.4) blank cell
      Item 4: Risk of harm blank cell 17 (32.7) blank cell
Permanency Outcome 1- Children have permanency and stability in their living situations No blank cell blank cell
      Item 5: Foster care re-entry blank cell 26 (50.0) 26 (50.0)
      Item 6: Stability of foster care placements blank cell 5 (9.6) 14 (26.9)
      Item 7: Permanency goal for child blank cell 5 (9.6) blank cell
      Item 8: Reunification, guardianship and placement with relatives (for FY 02-04). Independent living services (for FY 2001) blank cell 12 (23.1) 19 (36.5)
      Item 9: Adoption blank cell 6 (11.5) 15 (28.8)
      Item 10: Other planned living arrangement blank cell 17 (32.7) blank cell
Permanency Outcome 2 - The continuity of family relationships and connections is preserved 7 (13.5) blank cell blank cell
      Item 11: Proximity of placement blank cell 49 (94.2) blank cell
      Item 12: Placement with siblings blank cell 36 (69.2) blank cell
      Item 13: Visiting with parents and siblings in foster care blank cell 16 (30.8) blank cell
      Item 14: Preserving connections blank cell 21 (40.4) blank cell
      Item 15: Relative placement blank cell 21 (40.4) blank cell
      Item 16: Relationship of child in care with parents blank cell 21 (40.4) blank cell
Well Being Outcome 1 - Families have enhanced capacity to provide for children's needs 0 blank cell blank cell
      Item 17: Needs/services of child, parents, and foster parents blank cell 1 (1.9) blank cell
      Item 18: Child/family involvement in case planning blank cell 5 (9.6) blank cell
      Item 19: Worker visits with child blank cell 13 (25.0) blank cell
      Item 20: Worker visits with parents blank cell 7 (13.5) blank cell
Well Being Outcome 2 - Children receive services to meet their educational needs 16 (30.8) blank cell blank cell
      Item 21: Educational needs of child blank cell 16 (30.8) blank cell
Well Being Outcome 3 - Children receive services to meet their physical and mental health needs are met 1 (1.9) blank cell blank cell
      Item 22: Physical health of child blank cell 20 (38.5) blank cell
      Item 23: Mental health of child blank cell 4 (7.7) blank cell

* Meeting the national standard for maltreatment in foster care was part of the assessment of substantial conformity with Safety Outcome 1. However, there was no specific item corresponding to maltreatment in foster care because the incidence is very low and it was determined that cases selected for the sample would rarely involve maltreatment in foster care. back



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