ACF Region 5 - Chicago

Promoting Responsible Fatherhood Home Page

Picture of a father and daughter.

The Promoting Responsible Fatherhood Initiative's purpose is to promote responsible fatherhood by funding programs that support healthy marriage activities, promote responsible parenting, and foster economic stability.  The initiative will enable fathers to improve their relationships and reconnect with their children.  It will help fathers overcome obstacles and barriers that often prevent them from being the most effective and nurturing parent possible.  While the primary goal of the initiative is to promote fatherhood in all of its various forms, an essential point is to encourage fatherhood within the context of marriage.

RV contact:
Vander Green
Fatherhood/Family Life & Marriage
Program Specialist

Administration for Children and Families, Region V
233 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 353-4237
Fax: (312) 353-2204

Updated December 2008