MON, MAY 11, 9:32 AM EST
Today, we released the final volumes of the President’s FY 2010 Budget.
SAT, MAY 9, 9:30 AM EST
As I have said more than a few times before (even on this blog) reducing health care costs is the key to the country’s fiscal future and also to providing relief to American families from rising health care bills.
FRI, MAY 8, 3:15 PM EST
This morning I delivered a speech at a Joint Symposium of the Committee on National Statistics and the American Academy of Political and Social Science on a topic near to my (admittedly wonkish) heart—the role of Federal statistics in developing and executing good public policy.
THU, MAY 7, 10:25 AM EST
We in the Administration have spoken often about the President’s Budget heralding a new era of responsibility—an era in which we not only do what we must to lift our economy out of recession, but in which we also lay a new foundation for long-term growth and prosperity.