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OCSE Network and CSENet 2000 - Interstate Case Reconciliation

Interstate Case Reconciliation

The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) is proceeding with a National Interstate Case Reconciliation (ICR) to improve interstate case processing. This will entail OCSE matching individual state extracts and returning categorized matches to states. However, for those states choosing to continue reconciling on a state-by-state basis, the following two methods are provided:

  • Method 1 - States electronically exchange interstate caseloads with each other via the OCSE Network using a standard format (Version 1.0, Version 2.0) to reconcile case ID mismatches.
  • Method 2 - States use Case Status Information (CSI) transactions to exchange information via the OCSE Network.

Both methods require Exchange Agreements between states. Contact your CSENet 2000 Technical Representatives to enable communications.

ICR Standard Method

  1. States agree to:
  2. The OCSE Network interfaces with state Child Support Enforcement (CSE) systems to pick-up and/or deliver files containing caseloads to be reconciled.

ICR CSI Method

  • States program two new transactions, CSI P RINIT and CSI P RRESP.
  • States agree to exchange these transactions.
  • The OCSE Network interfaces with state CSE systems to pick-up and/or deliver files containing caseloads to be reconciled.

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Last Updated: February 4, 2009