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The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children

Dear Colleague Letter


ATTACHMENT: Summary of Innovative State Practices

DATE: January 5, 2009


RE: Unreported and Underground Income (UUI) Workgroup Update

Dear Colleague:

A major challenge facing child support agencies is identifying assets and income for noncustodial parents who have income not reported through traditional sources. As a part of the Project to Avoid Increasing Delinquencies (PAID) Initiative, and in an effort to create and identify methods of discovering unreported or underground income, the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) established the UUI workgroup.

In March of 2008, OCSE hosted a UUI workgroup meeting to discuss ways of dealing with unreported and underground income. That meeting was attended by representatives of the Massachusetts, Texas, and New Jersey Judiciaries; Internal Revenue Service; Department of Justice; Department of Labor; private collection and credit reporting agencies; child support staff from eight States, as well regional and central OCSE staffs. Participants came together to gauge the impact of unreported and underground income, and to identify potential remedies and avenues to explore that will uncover income for child support purposes.

Since March, the workgroup has been researching and documenting many of the ideas raised during the meeting. Attached is a summary of some of those ideas and enforcement remedies identified by the workgroup, which may help in handling these difficult cases. Additional information on the UUI workgroup and more details about these recommendations can be accessed on the PAID Workplace at

If you have questions or comments about this material, please contact Linda Hudson at or Dee Price-Sanders at


Margot Bean
Office of Child Support Enforcement

cc: Regional Program Managers

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