OSTIblog: Articles and comments about accelerated science discovery

OSTI accelerates the pace of discovery by making R&D findings available to researchers and the American people


Discover the data behind DOE publications!

If you’re ready to discover data, then OSTI’s newest product is ready for you!  The DOE Data Explorer (DDE) is a unique tool that identifies collections of DOE-sponsored numeric files, figures and data plots, multimedia and images, computer simulations, specialized databases, and interactive data maps. Browse, run a quick search, or advanced search, then click a link to results. You’ll be amazed at the data you can freely see and use, the highly specialized interfaces developed by the owners of the data that will help you delve deeper into their collections, and the software toolkits that allow you to manipulate, compare, visualize, download, and re-use the data.


The DOE Data Explorer will guide you to data collections at national laboratories, data centers, scientific user facilities, colleges and universities …and across all of the science areas with DOE involvement.  The DOE Data Explorer development team sifted through hundreds of these websites so that you would not have to, selecting each collection for inclusion according to strict criteria. 


DOE has several data centers  that provide excellent collections and expert services. Each of these centers specialize in data belonging to a specific subject area or scientific discipline. The DOE Data Explorer will help you find those centers and their collections. However, its unique usefulness is in helping you find the collections that are NOT in a data center.  In addition, what if you want to do cross-disciplinary research?  Or what if you don’t even know what data might be out there or what discipline it might belong to? You need a data discovery tool that will allow you to see ALL of DOE’s data – regardless of scientific discipline, regardless of format, and, even, regardless of where the data collection resides. The DOE Data Explorer can do that.


Is it possible that the team missed a collection somewhere? Yes, of course. This is why we invite each one of you out there to let us know if we neglected to include a collection of data that you generate or maintain or even just use. The DOE Data Explorer website has a comment form, and we want you to use it!


Stay tuned to the OSTI blog over the next few weeks as we write about the data included in the DOE Data Explorer.  We will try to give you a feel for the vast amount of unique information represented by this exciting new product.


Jannean Elliott



ermmm... nice share.. i love this ..

Posted by Inventory Management Software on January 16, 2009 at 06:05 AM EST #

DOE Data Explorer is great solution! I like it.

Posted by czhakis on March 01, 2009 at 06:10 AM EST #

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