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Climate Publications From 1998

Ackerman, S. A., C. C. Moeller, K. I. Strabala, H. E. Gerber, L. E. Gumley, W. P. Menzel, and S. C. Tsay, 1998: Retrieval of effective microphysical properties of clouds: A wave cloud case study. Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 1121-1124. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Clouds, Remote Sensing]

Alpert, P., Y. J. Kaufman, Y. Shay-El, D. Tanre, A. da Silva, S. Schubert, and Y. H. Joseph, 1998: Quantification of dust-forced heating of the lower troposphere. Nature, 395, 367-370.

Boucher, O., S. E. Schwartz, T. P. Ackerman, T. L. Anderson, B. Bergstrom, B. Bonnel, P. Chylek, A. Dahlback, Y. Fouquart, Q. Fu, R. N. Halthore, T. Iversen, J. M. Haywood, S. Kato, S. Kinne, A. Kirkevag, K. R. Knapp, A. Lacis, I. Laszlo, S. Nemesure, V. Ramaswamy, D. L. Roberts, P. Russell, M. E. Schlesinger, G. L. Stephens, R. Wagener, M. Wang, J. Wong, and F. Yang, 1998: Intercomparison of models representing direct shortwave radiative forcing by sulfate aerosols. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 16979-16998.

Bruegge, C., N. Chrien, D. Diner, R. A. Kahn, and J. Martonchik, 1998: MISR radiometric uncertainty analyses and their utilization within geophysical retrievals. Metrologia, 35, 571-579.

Chao, W. C., and L. Deng, 1998: Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation, Super Cloud Clusters and Cumulus Convection Schemes, Part II: 3D Aqua-Planet simulations. J. Atmos. Sci., 55, 690-709. [Full Text (PDF)]

Chou, M. D., M. J. Suarez, C. H. Ho, M. M. H. Yan, and K. T. Lee, 1998: Parameterizations for cloud overlapping and shortwave single-scattering properties in the Goddard GCM. J. Climate, 11, 201-214.

Chou, M. D., W. Zhao, and S. H. Chou, 1998: Radiation budgets and Cloud Radiative Forcing in the Pacific Warm Pool during TOGA COARE. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 16967-16977.

Chu, D. A., Y. J. Kaufman, L. Remer, and B. N. Holben, 1998: Remote sensing of smoke from MODIS Airborne Simulator during the SCAR-B Experiment. J. Geophys. Res. (special issue on SCAR-B), 103, 31979-31987.

Currie, L. A., J. E. Dibb, G. A. Klouda, B. A. Benner, J. M. Conny, S. R. Biegalski, D. B. Klinedinst, D. R. Cahoon, and N. C. Hsu, 1998: The pursuit of isotopic and molecular fire tracers in the polar atmosphere and cryosphere. Radiocarbon, 381-390, Part 1, S Iss. SI.

Dalu, G., M. Cadeddu, P. Cuddapah, and D. Short, 1998: On the validation of rainfall retrieval algorithms for satellite microwave data. Il Nuovo Cimento, 21, 115-118.

Das, S., Y. C. Sud, and M. J. Suarez, 1998: Inclusion of a prognostic cloud scheme with relaxed Arakawa-Schubert cumulus parameterization: Single-column model studies. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 124(552), 2671-2692. [Abstract] [Clouds, Modeling]

Davis, A., A. Marshak, R. Cahalan, and W. Wiscombe, 1998: Insight into three-dimensional radiation transport from diffusion theory, application to the cloudy atmosphere. Radiative Transfer, Ed. M. Mengue, Begell House, Inc., NY, 111-139.

Diner, D. J., J. C. Beckert, T. H. Reilly, C. J. Bruegge, J. E. Conel, R. A. Kahn, J. V. Martonchik, T. P. Ackerman, R. Davies, S. A. W. Gerstl, H. R. Gordon, J.-P. Muller, R. Myneni, R. J. Sellers, B. Pinty, and M. M. Verstraete, 1998: Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) description and experiment overview. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remt. Sensing, 36, 1072-1087.

Dubovik, O., B. N. Holben, Y. Kaufman, M. Yamasoe, A. Smirnov, D. Tanre, and I. Slutsker, 1998: Single-scattering albedo of smoke retrieved from the sky radiance and solar transmittance measured from ground. J. Geophys. Res. (special issue on SCAR-B), 103, 31903-31923.

Ferrare, R. A., S. H. Melfi, D. N. Whiteman, K. D. Evans, M. Poellot, and Y. J. Kaufman, 1998: Raman Lidar measurements of aerosol extinction and backscattering - Part 2: Derivation of aerosol real refractive index, single scattering albedo and humidifacation factor using Raman Lidar and aircraft size distribution measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 19673-19689.

Gao, B. C., W. Han, S. C. Tsay, and N. F. Larsen, 1998: Cloud detection over Arctic using airborne imaging spectrometer data during the daytime. J. Appl. Meteor., 37, 1421-1429. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Clouds]

Gao, B.-C., Y. Kaufman, W. Han, and W. Wiscombe, 1998: Correction of thin cirrus path radiances in the 0.4-1 micron spectral region using the Sensitive 1.375 Micron Cirrus Detecting Channel. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 32169-32176.

Gitelson, A. A., and Y. J. Kaufman, 1998: AVHRR & MODIS NDVI data continuation - Spectral considerations. Remote Sens. Environ., 66, 343-350.

Gleason, J. F., N. C. Hsu, and O. Torres, 1998: Biomass burning smoke using backscattered ultraviolet radiation: SCAR-B and Brazilian smoke interannual variability. J. Geophys. Res.,103, 31969-31978,..

Hegg, D. A., and Y. J. Kaufman, 1998: Measurements of the relationship between submicron aerosol number and volume concentration. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 5671-5678.

Ho, C. H., M. D. Chou, M. Suarez, and K. M. Lau, 1998: Effect of ice cloud on GCM climate simulations. Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 71-74.

Ho, C. H., M. D. Chou, M. Suarez, K. M. Lau, and M. H. Yan, 1998: Comparison of model-calculated and ERBE-retrieved clear-sky Outgoing Longwave Radiation. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 11529-11536.

Holben, B. N., T. F. Eck, I. Slutsker, D. Tanre, J. P. Buis, A. Setzer, E. Vermote, J. A. Reagan, Y. J. Kaufman, T. Nakajima, F. Lavenu, I. Jankowiak, and A. Smirnov, 1998: AERONET-A federated instrument network and data archive for aerosol characterization. Remote Sensing of Environment, 66, (1), 1-16.. [Aerosols]

Jiang, W. M., H. Yu, G. L. Xie, J. Wu, H. G. Zhu, and H. N. Sun, 1998: An experimental study on environmental impact of automobile exhaust from urban transportation tunnels. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 18(2), 188-193. (Chinese).

Kahn, R. A., P. Banerjee, D. McDonald, and D. Diner, 1998: Sensitivity of multiangle imaging to aerosol optical depth, and to pure-particle size distribution and composition over ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 32,195-32,213.

Kaufman, Y. J., D. D. Herring, J. Ranson, and J. Collatz, 1998: Earth Observing System AM Mission to Earth. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. (Special Issue on EOS), 36, 1045-1055.

Kaufman, Y. J., P. V. Hobbs, V. W. J. H. Kirchhoff, P. Artaxo, L. A. Remer, B. N. Holben, M. D. King, D. E. Ward, E. M. Prins, K. M. Longo, L. F. Mattos, C. A. Nobre, J. D. Spinhirne, Q. Ji, A. M. Thompson, J. F. Gleason, and S. A. Christopher, 1998: Smoke, clouds, and radiation—Brazil (SCAR-B) experiment. J. Geophys. Res. (Atmos.), 103, 31783-31808. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Aerosols, Remote Sensing]

Kaufman, Y. J., C. Justice, L. Flynn, J. Kandall, E. Prins, L. Giglio, D. E. Ward, P. Menzel, and A. Setzer, 1998: Potential global fire monitoring from EOS-MODIS. J. Geophys. Res. (special issue on SCAR-B), 103, 32215-32238.

Kaufman, Y. J., R. Kleidman, and M. D. King, 1998: SCAR-B fires in the Tropics: Properties and their remote sensing from EOS-MODIS. J. Geophys. Res. (Atmos.), 103, 31955-31968. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Remote Sensing]

King, M. D., S. C. Tsay, S. A. Ackerman, and N. F. Larsen, 1998: Discriminating heavy aerosol, clouds, and fires during SCAR-B: Application of airborne multispectral MAS data. J. Geophys. Res. (Atmos.), 103, 31989-31999. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Aerosols, Clouds, Remote Sensing]

Kratz, D. P., M.-D. Chou, M. M.-H. Yan, and C.-H. Ho, 1998: Minor trace gas radiative forcing calculations using the k Distribution Method with one-parameter scaling. J. Climate, 103, 31647-31656.

Marshak, A., A. Davis, R. Cahalan, and W. Wiscombe, 1998: Nonlocal Independent Pixel Approximation, direct and inverse problems. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 36, 192-205. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Clouds, Remote Sensing, Solar Radiation]

Marshak, A., A. Davis, W. Wiscombe, and R. Cahalan, 1998: Radiative effects of sub-mean-free-path liquid water variability observed in stratiform clouds. J. Geophys. Res. (Atmos.), 103, 19557-19567. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Clouds, Remote Sensing, Solar Radiation]

Marshak, A., A. Davis, W. Wiscombe, W. Ridgway, and R. Cahalan, 1998: Biases in shortwave column absorption in the presence of fractal clouds. J. Climate, 11, 431-446. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)]

Martins, J. V., P. Artaxo, C. Liousse, J. S. Reid, P. V. Hobbs, and Y. J. Kaufman, 1998: Effects of black carbon content, particle size and mixing on light absorption by aerosol particles from biomass burning in Brazil. J. Geophys. Res. (special issue on SCAR-B), 103, 32041-32050.

Martonchik, J. V., D. J. Diner, R. A. Kahn, M. M. Verstraete, B. Pinty, H. R. Gordon, and T. P. Ackerman, 1998: Techniques for the Retrieval of aerosol properties over land ocean using multiangle data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remt. Sensing, 36, 1212-1227.

Mocko, D. M., and Y. C. Sud, 1998: Comparison of land-surface model (SSiB) to three parameterizations of evapotranspiration - A study based on ISLSCP Initiative I data. Earth Interactions, 2(2-003), 40 pages. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Analysis, Modeling, Surface Properties]

Oki, T., and Y. C. Sud, 1998: Design of the global river channel network for Total Runoff Integrating Pathways (TRIP). Earth Interactions, 2(2-001), 53 pages. [Abstract] [Modeling, Surface Properties]

Oreopoulos, L., and R. Davies, 1998: Plane Parallel Albedo Biases from Satellite Observations. Part II: Parameterizations for Bias Removal. J. Climate, 11, 933-944. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Clouds, Modeling, Remote Sensing, Solar Radiation]

Oreopoulos, L., and R. Davies, 1998: Plane Parallel Albedo Biases from Satellite Observations. Part I: Dependence on Resolution and Other Factors. J. Climate, 11, 919-932. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Clouds, Remote Sensing, Solar Radiation]

Prabhakara, C., R. Iacovazzi, R. Meneghini, R. Oki, D. A. Short, and J. A. Weinman, 1998: A TRMM microwave radiometer rain retrieval method based on fractional rain area. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 76, 765-781.

Prabhakara, C., R. Iacovazzi, J. M. Yoo, and G. Dalu, 1998: Global warming deduced from MSU. J. Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 1927-1930.

Remer, L. A., and Y. J. Kaufman, 1998: Dynamic aerosol model: Urban/Industrial aerosol. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 13859-13871.

Remer, L. A., Y. J. Kaufman, B. N. Holben, A. M. Thompson, and D. McNamara, 1998: Tropical biomass burning smoke aerosol size distribution model. J. Geophys. Res. (special issue on SCAR-B), 103, 31879-31892.

Remer, L. A., Y. J. Kaufman, B. N. Holben, A. M. Thompson, and D. McNamara, 1998: A model of tropical biomass burning smoke aerosol size distribution. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 31879-31891.

Schlesinger, M. E., N. G. Andronova, A. Ghanem, S. Malyshev, E. Rozanov, W. Wang, and F. Yang, 1998: Geographical scenarios of greenhouse-gas and anthropogenic-sulfate-aerosol induced climate changes. Journal of Aerosol Science, 29, Suppl. 1, S121-S122.

Tsay, S. C., M. D. King, G. T. Arnold, and J. Y. Li, 1998: Airborne spectral measurements of surface anisotropy during SCAR-B. J. Geophys. Res. (Atmos.), 103, 31943-31953. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Surface Properties]

Wald, A., Y. J. Kaufman, D. Tanre, and B. C. Gao, 1998: Daytime and nighttime detection of mineral dust over desert using infrared spectral contrast. J. Geophys. Res. (special issue on EOS), 103, 32307-32313.

Wielicki, B. A., B. R. Barkstrom, B. A. Baum, T. P. Charlock, R. N. Green, D. P. Kratz, R. B. Lee, P. Minnis, G. L. Smith, T. Wong, D. P. Young, R. D. Cess, J. A. Coakley, D. A. H. Crommelynck, L. Donner, R. Kandel, and M. D. King, 1998: Clouds and the Earth's radiant energy system (CERES): Algorithm overview. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 36, 1127-1141. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Remote Sensing]

Yamasoe, M. A., Y. J. Kaufman, O. Dubovik, L. A. Remer, B. N. Holben, and P. Artaxo, 1998: Retrieval of the real part of the refractive index of aerosols from sun/sky radiometers during SCAR-B. J. Geophys. Res. (special issue on SCAR-B), 103, 31893-31902.

May 7, 2009 in Publications
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