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Selected Federally Funded Early Childhood Technical Assistance Programs

(This document is also available in PDF and Word format.) Selected Federally Funded Early Childhood Technical Assistance Programs

The Child Care Bureau LogoChild Care Bureau programs/ccb

U.S. Department of Education LogoU.S. Department of Education
Office of Head Start LogoOffice of Head Start

(This URL will change soon from hsb to ohs.)
Health Resources and Services Administration LogoHealth Resources and Services Administration
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration LogoSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Child Health
The Child Care Bureau Logo
Health Resources and Services Administration Logo
Healthy Child Care America
A collaborative effort of health professionals, child care providers, and families seeking to improve the health and well-being of children in child care settings.
Health Resources and Services Administration Logo National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education
Provides State-level child care contacts and health and safety products, including training curricula, national standards, and links to other organizations.
Toll-free: (800) 598-5437
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Technical Assistance Center for Children’s Mental Health
Provides a broad range of training and technical assistance (TA) opportunities for States, Tribes, Territories, and communities to assist in transforming service delivery systems for children with mental health needs and their families.
Infant and Toddler Care
Early Head Start National Resource Center @ ZERO TO THREE
Offers information and training on best practices related to the development and care of infants and toddlers.

The Child Care Bureau Logo National Infant & Toddler Child Care Initiative
Provides resources focusing on issues related to child care for babies and toddlers and the development of child care systems to serve them.
Information Products and Services
The Child Care Bureau Logo National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC)
A national clearinghouse and technical assistance center that provides information, training, and technical assistance to help States, policymakers, and their partners administer Child Care and Development Fund money and programs.  
NCCIC toll-free: (800) 616-2242
The Child Care Bureau Logo Child Care Aware (CCA)
A source for locating child care programs, getting advice on child care issues, and accessing early child care and education resources.
CCA toll-free: (800) 424-2246
Office of Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC)
This site functions as the front door to Head Start information on the following: Program design and management, early childhood health and development, family and community partnerships, professional development and a distance-learning directory, for parents—Google map-enabled Head Start locations, consultant and TA directories, regulations and policy, Head Start news, and conference materials.
ECLKC toll-free: (866) 763-6481
Department of Education logo National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY)
A central source of information on infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities; the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; and research-based information on effective education practices for individuals with disabilities.
NICHCY toll-free: (800) 695-0285
Department of Education logo National Institute for Literacy (NIFL)
The National Institute for Literacy, a Federal agency, provides leadership on literacy issues, including the improvement of reading instruction for children, youth, and adults. In consultation with the U.S. Departments of Education, Labor, and Health and Human Services, NIFL serves as a national resource on current, comprehensive literacy research, practice, and policy.
(202) 233-2025 and
Resources for Head Start Grantees and Partners
Office of Head Start Head Start Fiscal Assistant
A large database of all statutes, regulations, and policies related to the fiscal management of Head Start grants. Using this online tool, users can quickly locate, sort, appropriately interpret, and apply information related to Head Start grants administration and management.
Office of Head Start Head Start Transportation PathFinder
The Transportation PathFinder can assist Head Start and Early Head Start agencies and their transportation providers to comply with Head Start transportation requirements. This resource also provides up-to-date links for the State director of pupil transportation, transportation providers within the State, and selected State laws and regulations.
Office of Head Start Head Start National Facilities Assistance Desk
Provides guidance for designing, constructing, and/or renovating a facility to meet Head Start program needs and standards.
Office of Head Start Child Development Associate National Credentialing Program
This program is supported by the Council for Professional Recognition, a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C.
The Council recognizes educators’ competence for Head Start through this program.
Office of Head Start Head Start Higher Education Grantee Partnerships
Designed to increase the number of Head Start teachers with college degrees in early childhood education through a partnership program between colleges and universities and Head Start grantees.
Office of Head Start National Head Start Family Literacy Center
Provides training and technical assistance to Head Start programs to improve the quality and positive outcomes of their family literacy efforts.
Research and Outcomes
The Child Care Bureau Logo Child Care and Early Education Research Connections
Offers research resources, such as reports, data sets, and data collection instruments, for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners.
Department of Education logo The Early Childhood Outcomes Center: Demonstrating Results for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers with Disabilities and Their Families
Promotes the development and implementation of child and family outcome measures for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities.
Department of Education logo Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at the U.S. Department of Education, ERIC produces the world’s premier database of journal and nonjournal education literature. The ERIC online system is the world’s largest and most frequently used education database, comprising more than 1 million bibliographic records, spanning from 1966 to the present.
Department of Education logo Research and Training Center on Early Childhood Development
Provides research-based information for parents and early childhood professionals about interventions related to the healthy mental, behavioral, communicative, preliterate, and social-emotional state of young children with or at risk for developmental disabilities.
Department of Education logo What Works Clearinghouse (WWC)
Established in 2002 by the Institute of Education Sciences at the U.S. Department of Education, WWC provides educators, policymakers, researchers, and the public with a central, trusted source of scientific evidence of what works in education. WWC promotes informed education decisionmaking through a set of easily accessible databases and user-friendly reports that review the effectiveness of replicable educational interventions (e.g., programs, products, practices, policies) intended to improve student outcomes. WWC is administered by IES through a joint venture of the American Institutes for Research and Campbell Collaboration.
Social and Emotional Development
Department of Education logo Center for Evidence-Based Practice: Young Children with Challenging Behavior
Funded by the Office of Special Education Programs of the U.S. Department of Education to raise the awareness and implementation of positive, evidence-based practices and to build an enhanced, accessible database to support those practices.
Office of Head Start The Child Care Bureau Logo Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
Comprising a consortium of organizations dedicated to strengthening the capacity of child care and Head Start programs through best practices for the social and emotional development of children.
Training and Technical Assistance

Department of Education logo
National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center
Supports the implementation of early childhood provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Office of Head Start National Head Start Training and Technical Assistance Resource Center
Supports Head Start training and technical assistance needs and facilitates communication and information-sharing within the Head Start community.
The Child Care Bureau Logo Tribal Child Care Technical Assistance Center (TriTAC)
Provides specialized technical assistance to Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations in child care capacity-building efforts.
TriTAC toll-free: (800) 388-7670
The Child Care Bureau Logo National Child Care Information Center
A national clearinghouse and technical assistance center that provides information, training, and technical assistance to help States, policymakers, and their partners administer Child Care and Development Fund money and programs.
NCCIC toll-free: (800) 616-2242
Selected Online Resources

Finding Programs

Head Start/Early Head Start Program Locator
The Head Start Locator provides a searchable database of Head Start programs. Programs may be searched by name, address, city, State, program type, or grant number. Results are displayed using Google maps.
Child Care Aware
Find information on how to choose child care and link to local child care resource and referral agencies.
OSEP-Funded Projects Finder
Searchable database of early childhood projects funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) of the U.S. Department of Education.

State Contacts

State Early Childhood Special Education Contacts
State Child Care and Development Fund Contacts
Head Start State Collaboration Offices
National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education
State Professional Development Systems and Initiatives for the Early Childhood Workforce
Additional Resources

For more technical assistance resources, check the following Federal agency Web sites:

•    Child Care Bureau—
•    U.S. Department of Education—
•    Office of Head Start—
•    Health Resources and Services Administration—
•    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration—

Health and Human Services LogoDepartment of Education LogoThis publication contains hyperlinks and URLs created and maintained by outside organizations and provided for the reader’s convenience. The U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services are not responsible for the accuracy of the information in them.
July 2007