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Climate Publications From 1997

Abdou, W. A., J. V. Martonchik, R. A. Kahn, R. West, and D. Diner, 1997: A modified linear-mixing method for calculating atmospheric path radiances of aerosol mixtures. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 16,883-16,888.

Arrault, J., A. Arnodo, A. Davis, and A. Marshak, 1997: Wavelet-based multifractal analysis of rough surfaces: Application to cloud models and satellite data. Phys. Rev. Lett., 79, 7579.

Bony, S., K.-M. Lau, and Y. C. Sud, 1997: Sea surface temperature and large-scale circulation influences on tropical greenhouse effect and cloud radiative forcing. J. Climate, 10(8), 2055-2077. [Abstract] [Clouds, Modeling, Surface Properties]

Bony, S., Y. C. Sud, K.-M. Lau, J. Susskind, and S. Saha, 1997: Comparison and satellite assessment of DAO and NCEP/NCAR re-analysis over tropical ocean, atmospheric hydrology and radiation. J. Climate, 10(6), 1441-1462. [Abstract] [Clouds, Modeling, Solar Radiation, Surface Properties]

Cahalan, R. F., A. Davis, A. Marshak, D. Silberstein, and W. Wiscombe, 1997: Cloud macrostructure and radiation. Remote Sensing A Scientific Vision for Sustainable Development: LC 97-70575, ISBN 0-7803-3839-1 F01, 41-44. [Abstract] [Clouds, Remote Sensing, Solar Radiation]

Chao, W. C., and L. Deng, 1997: On the synoptic scale phase lag between deep cumulus convection and low-level convergence. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 549-559. [Full Text (PDF)]

Chou, M. D., and W. Zhao, 1997: Estimation and model validation of surface solar radiation and Cloud Radiative Forcing using TOGA COARE measurements. J. Climate, 10, 610-620.

Conel, J. E., W. C. Ledeboer, S. H. Pilorz, J. V. Martonchik, R. A. Kahn, W. Abdou, C. Bruegge, M. C. Helmlinger, and B. J. Gaitley, 1997: Ground-based validation of the EOS Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) aerosol retrieval algorithms and science data products. Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IGARSS '97. Remote Sensing - A Scientific Vision for Sustainable Development, 1997 IEEE International), 4, 1743-1748.

Davis, A., A. Marshak, R. F. Cahalan, and W. Wiscombe, 1997: Interactions, solar and Laser beams in stratus clouds, fractals and multifractals in climate and remote sensing studies. Fractals, 5, 129-166. [Full Text (PDF)]

Davis, A., A. Marshak, R. F. Cahalan, and W. Wiscombe, 1997: The Landsat scale break in stratocumulus as a three-dimensional radiative transfer effect: Implications for cloud remote sensing. J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 241-260. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Clouds, Remote Sensing, Solar Radiation]

Davis, A., A. Marshak, W. Wiscombe, and R. F. Cahalan, 1997: Evidence for net horizontal radiative fluxes in marine stratocumulus.. IRS'96 Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation, W. L. Smith and K. Stamnes, Eds., Deepak Publ., 809-812.

Davis, A., D. Winker, A. Marshak, J. Spinhurne, R. Cahalan, S. Love, S. Melfi, and W. Wiscombe, 1997: Retrieval of physical and optical cloud thicknesses from space-borne and wide-angle Lidar. Adv. Atmos. Remote Sensing with Lidar, A. Ansmann, R. Neuber, Rairoux and U. Wadinger, Eds. Springer-Verlag, 193-196. [Clouds, Remote Sensing]

Fallah-Adi, J. Jaja, S. Liang, Y. J. Kaufman, and J. R. G. Townshend, 1997: Fast algorithms for atmospheric correction from Landsat TM over land. J. Geophys. Res. (Atmos.), 102, 17173-17186.

Gierasch, P. J., R. M. Goody, R. E. Young, D. Crisp, C. Edwards, R. A. Kahn, D. Rider, A. DelGenio, R. Greeley, A. Hou, C. B. Leovy, D. McCleese, and M. Newman, 1997: The general circulation of the Venus atmosphere: An assessment. in Venus, S. Bougher, D. Hunten, and R. Philips, Eds., Arizona Press, 459-500.

Herman, J. R., P. K. Bhartia, O. Torres, N. C. Hsu, C. J. Seftor, and E. Celarier, 1997: Global distribution of UV-absorbing aerosols from Nimbus-7/TOMS data. J. Geophys. Res.,102, 16911-16921,..

Hsu, N. C., R. D. McPeters, C. J. Seftor, and A. M. Thompson, 1997: The effect of an improved cloud climatology on the TOMS total ozone retrieval. J. Geophys. Res.,102,4247-4255,.

Kahn, R. A., and D. Wenkert, 1997: Earth Observing System. Encyclopedia of Planetary Sciences, Ed. J. H. Shirley and R. W. Fairbridge, Chapman and Hall, 211-215.

Kahn, R. A., R. West, D. McDonald, B. Rheingans, and M. I. Mishchenko, 1997: Sensitivity of Multi-angle remote sensing observations to aerosol sphericity. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 16,861-16,870.

Kasprzak, W. T., G. M. Keating, N. C. Hsu, A. Stewart, W. Colwell, and S. W. Bougher, 1997: Solar activity behavior of the thermosphere, in Venus II. Univ. of Arizona Press.

Kaufman, Y. J., and R. S. Fraser, 1997: The effect of smoke particles on clouds and climate forcing. Science, 277, 1636-1639.

Kaufman, Y. J., D. Tanre, H. R. Gordon, T. Nakajima, J. Lenoble, R. Frouin, H. Grassl, B. M. Herman, M. D. King, and P. M. Teillet, 1997: Passive remote sensing of tropospheric aerosol and atmospheric correction for the aerosol effect. J. Geophys. Res. (Atmos.), 102, 16815-16830. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Aerosols, Remote Sensing]

Kaufman, Y. J., D. Tanre, L. Remer, E. Vermote, A. Chu, and B. N. Holben, 1997: Operational remote sensing of tropospheric aerosol over land from EOS Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer. J. Geophys. Res. (Atmos.), 102, 17051-17067. [Aerosols]

Kaufman, Y. J., A. Wald, L. A. Remer, B.-C. Gao, R.-R. Li, and L. Flynn, 1997: The MODIS 2.1 um channel-correlation with visible reflectance for use in remote sensing of aerosol. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 35, 1286-1298.

Lau, K.-M., H.-T. Wu, and S. Bony, 1997: The Role of Large-scale Atmospheric Circulation in the Relationship between Tropical Convection and Sea Surface Temperature. J. Climate, 10 (3), 381-392. [Abstract]

Liang, S., Fallah-Adi, J. Jaja, S. Kalluri, Y. J. Kaufman, and J. R. G. Townshend, 1997: An operational atmospheric correction algorithm for Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery over the land. J. Geophys. Res. (special issue on remote sensing of aerosol), 102, 17173-17186.

Marshak, A., A. Davis, R. F. Cahalan, and W. Wiscombe, 1997: Nonlocal Independent Pixel Approximation for computing radiation fields of inhomogeneous clouds. IRS'96: Current problems in atmospheric radiation. W. L. Smith and K. Stamnes, Eds., Deepak Publ., 139-142.

Marshak, A., A. Davis, R. Cahalan, and W. Wiscombe, 1997: Physical simulation of high-resolution satellite images for fractal cloud model. Fractals in Geophys. M. M. Novak and T. G. Dewey, Eds., World Scientific, 301-310.

Marshak, A., A. Davis, R. Cahalan, and W. Wiscombe, 1997: The effect of horizontal fluxes on cloud absorption estimates based on simulated two-aircraft measurements of fractal clouds. IRS'96: Current problems in atmospheric radiation. W. L. Smith and K. Stamnes, Eds., Deepak Publ., 415-418.

Marshak, A., A. Davis, W. Wiscombe, and R. Cahalan, 1997: Inhomogeneity effects on cloud shortwave absorption measurements: Two-aircraft simulations. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 16619-16637. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Analysis, Clouds, Solar Radiation]

Marshak, A., A. Davis, W. Wiscombe, and R. F. Cahalan, 1997: Scale-invariance of liquid water distributions in marine stratocumulus. II. Multifractal properties and intermittency issues. J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 1423-1444. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Analysis, Clouds]

Mishchenko, M. I., L. D. Travis, R. A. Kahn, and R. A. West, 1997: Modeling phase functions for dustlike tropospheric aerosols using a shape mixture of randomly oriented polydisperse spheroids. J. Geophys. Res., 102(D14), 16,831-16,847.

Nicholson, S. E., J. Kim, M. B. Ba, and A. R. Lare, 1997: The mean surface water balance over Africa and its interannual variability. J. Climate, 10, 2981-3002. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Modeling, Surface Properties]

Nicholson, S. E., J. A. Marengo, J. Kim, A. R. Lare, S. Galle, and Y. H. Kerr, 1997: A daily resolution evapoclimatonomy model applied to surface water balance calculations at the HAPEX-Sahel supersites. J. Hydrol., 188-189, 946-964. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Modeling, Surface Properties]

Otterman, J., D. Starr, T. Brakke, R. Davies, H. Jacobowitz, A. Mehta, F. Cheruy, and C. Prabhakara, 1997: Modeling zenith-angle dependence of outgoing-longwave radiation: Implication for flux measurements. Remote Sens. Environ., 62, 91-100.

Pinker, R. T., R. A. Ferrare, A. Karnieli, T. O. Aro, Y. J. Kaufman, and A. Zangvil, 1997: Aerosol optial depth is semiarid region. J. Geophys. Res. (Atmos.), 102, 11123-11137.

Remer, L. A., and Gass, 1997: Urban/industrial aerosol: Ground-based sun/sky radiometer and airborne in situ measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 16849-16859. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Aerosols, Remote Sensing]

Seftor, C. J., N. C. Hsu, J. R. Herman, P. K. Bhartia, O. Torres, W. Rose, D. Schneider, and N. Krotkov, 1997: Detection of volcanic ash clouds from Nimbus-7/TOMS. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 16749-16760,..

Sud, Y. C., and G. K. Walker, 1997: Simulation errors associated with the neglect of oceanic salinity in a GCM simulation. Earth Interactions, 1(1-004), 33 pages. [Abstract] [Analysis, Modeling, Surface Properties]

Sud, Y. C., G. K. Walker, J.-H. Kim, G. E. Liston, P. J. Sellers, and K.-M. Lau, 1997: A simulation study of the importance of surface roughness in tropical deforestation. Transactions of TROPMET--94, pages unknown. [Analysis, Modeling, Rainfall, Surface Properties]

Tanre, D., Y. J. Kaufman, M. Herman, and S. Mattoo, 1997: Remote sensing of aerosol properties over oceans using the MODIS/EOS spectral radiances. J. Geophys. Res. (Atmos.), 102, 16971-16988. [Full Text (PDF)]

Vermote, E. F., N. El Saleous, C. O. Justice, Y. J. Kaufman, J. L. Privette, L. A. Remer, J. C. Roger, and D. Tanre, 1997: Atmospheric correction of visible to middle-infrared EOS-MODIS data over land surfaces: Background, operational algorithm and validation. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 17131-17141.

Vermote, E. F., N. El Saleous, Y. J. Kaufman, and E. Dutton, 1997: Stratospheric aerosol perturbing effect on the remote sensing of vegetation: Correction method for the composite NDVI after the Pinatbo eruption. Remote Sens. Rev., 15, 7-21..

Wang, M., and M. D. King, 1997: Correction of Rayleigh scattering effects in cloud optical thickness retrievals. J. Geophys. Res. (Atmos.), 102, 25915-25926. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Clouds, Remote Sensing]

May 7, 2009 in Publications
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