Youth Engagement: (Pre-K-25)

Stimulating real-world connections, learning through shared experiences, and empowering next century citizens

Children looking at bugs with park rangerAmerica’s Youth are the key to building the next century national park story. The youth engagement programs of the National Park Foundation seek to connect youth from all walks of life to the national parks and empower them to be the best stewards of their national parks.

Programs funded in the youth engagement area allow kids to explore their national parks with their families and become Junior Rangers. Alternatively, at home kids can go online and become WebRangers, and from their classrooms they can electronically explore the mysteries of the national parks through the Electronic Field Trip Program.

Children playing in a streamFirst Bloom, piloted in five cities, helps kids from Boys and Girls Clubs learn how to protect fragile ecosystems in their national parks by planting native plants and by designing, planting, and maintaining gardens in their neighborhoods.

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The United States is home to 20 natural and cultural sites inscribed on the World Heritage List - and most of them are national parks! These … Continue »