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Family and Youth Services Bureauskip to primary page contentAssociate Commissioner Karen Morison

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Family Violence Division

The Family Violence Prevention and Services Program was originally authorized by sections 301-313 of Title III of the Child Abuse Amendments of 1984 and most recently by the Keeping Children and Families Safe Act of 2003. The program was reassigned in 2004 from the Office of Community Services to the Family and Youth Services Bureau in the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Through the Family Violence Prevention and Services Program, FYSB awards grants to State agencies, Territories and Indian Tribes for the provision of shelter to victims of family violence and their dependents, and for related services, such as emergency transportation and child care. These funds supplement many already established community-based family violence prevention and services activities. They also allow States and Tribes to expand current service programs and establish additional services in rural and underserved areas, on Native American reservations, and in Alaskan Native Villages.


Formula Programs

Discretionary Programs


Reporting Forms for Grantees

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Domestic Violence Resource Network

  • The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
  • National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence
  • Resource Center on Domestic Violence: Child Protection and Custody
  • Battered Women's Justice Project
  • Sacred Circle

Special Initiatives

The Institutes

  • Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community
  • Alianza, The National Latino Alliance to Eliminate Domestic Violence
  • Asian American and Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence
  • Greenbook: Collaborations to Address the Occurrence of Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment

The Stop Family Violence Stamp

Domestic Violence/Runaway and Homeless Youth Collaboration on the Prevention of Adolescent Dating Violence

Funding Opportunities

Current Funding Opportunities