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Department of Health & Human Services
Administration for Children and Families


Program Office:

Office of Refugee Resettlement

Funding Opportunity Title:

Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking Regional Program

Announcement Type:


Funding Opportunity Number:


CFDA Number:


Due Date for Applications:


This is a Modification to the Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking Regional Program Announcement, HHS-2008-ACF-ORR-ZV-0048, published to the ACF Grant Opportunities webpage on 08/22/2007. The application procedures are hereby modified.


Building on the work of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking Campaign, which began to establish local anti-trafficking coalitions, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), in the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within HHS, seeks to continue and expand its efforts through regional grantees who will serve as the focal point for an intensification of local outreach to and identification of victims of severe forms of trafficking in persons. Each successful applicant will be required to sub-award 60 percent of grant funds received to local grassroots organizations that identify and work with victims of human trafficking, and retain no more than 40 percent of funds. In its role as planner, fiscal agent, monitor, and technical assistance provider, the successful applicant will establish and manage a local network or coalition of sub-grantee awardees. ORR seeks to award one cooperative agreement per geographic area for a period of three years. Applications will be screened and evaluated as indicated in this program announcement. Awards will be contingent on the outcomes of the competition and the availability of funds. The anticipated start date for awards is December 1, 2007.

Modification to the published announcement:

Please delete the following under Due Date for Applications:


Please replace the deleted language under Due Date for Applications with the following:


Please delete the following under Section 1. Funding Opportunity Description:

No more than 20 percent of retained funds may be used for administration and management of coalition efforts. Examples of allowable costs for the remaining 20 percent of funds include transportation, provision of services, and outreach.

Please replace the deleted language under Section 1. Funding Opportunity Description with the following:

No more than 20 percent of funds may be used for administration and management of coalition efforts. Examples of allowable costs for the remaining funds include transportation, provision of services, and outreach.

Please delete the following under Section IV. Application and Submission Information:

Each application must include the following components and in the following order. Applications should be organized according to the checklist found below in Section IV.3.

- Project Summary/Abstract of the Proposed Project - not to exceed one page (would be suitable to use in announcing the grant award, if selected), which identifies the type of project, the target population, and the major elements of the work plan.
- Table of Contents
- Project Description/Narrative - a narrative that addresses issues described in the "The Project Description Overview" and the "Evaluation Criteria" found in Section V.1 of this announcement.
- Budget
- Narrative Budget Justification - for each object class category required under Section B, Standard Form (SF) 424A.
- SF 424 - signed by an official of the organization applying for the grant who has authority to legally obligate the organization.
- SF 424A - Budget Information-Non-Construction Programs
- Certification Regarding Prostitution
- Certification Regarding Lobbying
- Certification Regarding Environmental Tobacco Smoke
- Third-Party Agreements
- Third-Party Agreements with all sub-awardees
- Letters of Support - up to three letters of support will be accepted.

Please replace the deleted language under Section IV. Application and Submission Information with the following:

Each application must include the following components and in the following order. Applications should be organized according to the checklist found below in Section IV.3.

- Project Summary/Abstract of the Proposed Project - not to exceed one page (would be suitable to use in announcing the grant award, if selected), which identifies the type of project, the target population, and the major elements of the work plan.
- Table of Contents
- Project Description/Narrative - a narrative that addresses issues described in the "The Project Description Overview" and the "Evaluation Criteria" found in Section V.1 of this announcement.
- Budget
- Narrative Budget Justification - for each object class category required under Section B, Standard Form (SF) 424A.
- SF 424 - signed by an official of the organization applying for the grant who has authority to legally obligate the organization.
- SF 424A - Budget Information-Non-Construction Programs
- Certification Regarding Prostitution
- Certification Regarding Lobbying
- Certification Regarding Environmental Tobacco Smoke
- Third-Party Agreements
- Letters of Support - up to three letters of support will be accepted.

All information in this modification is accurate and replaces information specified in the 08/22/2007 Program Announcement


To access this Program Announcement please go to the ACF Grant Opportunities webpage at or to


Vanessa Garza
Phone:  202-401-2334



Date:  09/25/2007 Martha E. Newton
Office of Refugee Resettlement