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Click on the categories below to view additional information.
Forms Additional Information:
Form No. 1: Annual Report of Major Electric Utility
Form No. 3-Q: Quarterly Financial Report of Electric Utilities, Licensees, and Natural Gas Companies
Form No. 423: Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants
Form No. 523: Application for Authorization of the Issuance of Securities or the Assumption of Liabilities
Form No. 516: Electric Quarterly Report
Form No. 714: Annual Electric Control and Planning Area Report
Form No. 715: Annual Transmission Planning and Evaluation Report
Form No. 1 - Annual Report of Major Electric Utility
Summary Information Downloads & Links
The Form No. 1 is a comprehensive financial and operating report submitted for Electric Rate regulation and financial audits. Major is defined as having (1) one million Megawatt hours or more; (2) 100 megawatt hours of annual sales for resale; (3) 500 megawatt hours of annual power exchange delivered; or (4) 500 megawatt hours of annual wheeling for others (deliveries plus losses).

Form 1 Filings - 2007
Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 141.1 External

OMB #: 1902-0021, expires 12/31/2011

Filing Date: April 18
Form No. 3-Q - Quarterly Financial Report of Electric Utilities, Licensees, and Natural Gas Companies
Summary Information Downloads & Links
The Form No. 3-Q is a comprehensive quarterly financial and operating report which supplements Form 1 and is submitted for all Major and Non-Major:
  • Electric Utilities;
  • Licensees; and
  • Natural Gas Companies
who engage in:
  • Generation;
  • Transmission;
  • Distribution, or
  • Sale of electric energy.
Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 141.400 External
OMB #: 1902-0205, expires 01/31/2012

Filing Dates: Thereafter, for Majors - 60 days and for Non-Majors - 70 days - after the end of the quarter.
Note: This form submission uses the Form 1 Software that has been modified to accept the quarterly data
Form No. 423 - Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants
Summary Information Downloads & Links
The Form No. 423 is a compilation of data for cost and quality of fuels delivered to electric power plants to be used for determination of electric Rates.

Note: Order No. 709 (issued March 11, 2008) eliminated this filing requirement. As of January 1, 2008 EIA began collecting this data on its form EIA-923. On March 28, 2008 FERC announced that it has terminated collection of the Form 423 ending with the December 2007 report, which was due February 15, 2008. FERC no longer maintains this data. Historical data can be found at EIA External.
Form No. 523 - Application for Authorization of the Issuance of Securities or the Assumption of Liabilities
Summary Information Downloads & Links
The information filed with the Commission through Form 523 is used to make a determination to grant or deny authorization to issue securities or to assume a liability Chapter: 18 CFR Parts 34 and 131

OMB #: 1902-0043, exp 10/31/11

Filing Date: Occasionally. Note: eFiling capability coming, but no sooner than April 1, 2006
Form No. 516 - EQR - Electric Quarterly Report
Summary Information Downloads & Links
All public utilities are required to electronically file Electric Quarterly Reports summarizing the contractual terms and conditions in their agreements for all jurisdictional services (including market-based power sales, cost-based power sales, and transmission service) and transaction information for short-term and long-term market-based power sales and cost-based power sales during the most recent calendar quarter. Chapter: 18 CFR 35.10b External

OMB #: 1902-0096, exp 5/31/2010

Filing Date: The last day of the first month following the end of the quarter
Form No. 714 - Annual Electric Balancing Authority Area and Planning Area Report
Summary Information Downloads & Links
Electric transmitting utilities operating balancing authority areas and planning areas (with annual peak demand over 200MW) are required to electronically file Form 714, reporting among other things, balancing authority area generation, actual and scheduled inter-balancing authority area power transfers, and net energy for load, summer-winter generation peaks and system lambda. Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 141.51 External

OMB #: 1902-0140, exp 10/31/09

Filing Date: June 1

Filing extension for 2006 data: July 16, 2007
(Notice issued May 18, 2007 PDF)
Form No. 715 - Annual Transmission Planning and Evaluation Report
Summary Information Downloads & Links
Annual report by transmitting utilities on transmission planning, constraints and available transmission capacity. Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 141.300 External

OMB #: 1902-0171, exp 03/31/10

Filing Date: April 1
Forms Additional Information:
Form No. 2: Major Natural Gas Pipeline Annual Report
Form No. 2A: Non-major Natural Gas Pipeline Annual Report
Form No. 3-Q: Quarterly Financial Report of Electric Utilities, Licensees, and Natural Gas Companies
Form No. 11: Quarterly Statement of Monthly Data
Form No. 537: Annual Certificate Report
Form No. 537: Annual Report of 311 Facility Activities
Form No. 549B: Index of Customers
Form No. 552: Annual Report of Natural Gas Transactions
Form No. 577: Annual Report of Replacement of Certificated Facilities
Form No. 592: Marketing Affiliates of Interstate Pipelines
Form No. 2 - Major Natural Gas Pipeline Annual Report
Summary Information Downloads & Links
The Form No. 2 is a compilation of financial and operational information from major interstate natural gas pipelines subject to the jurisdiction of the FERC. The form contains data for a calendar year. Among other things, the form contains a Comparative Balance Sheet, Statement of Income, Statement of Retained Earnings, Statement of Cash Flows, and Notes to Financial Statements.

Major is defined as having combined gas transported or stored for a fee that exceeds 50 million dekatherms.
Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 260.1 External

OMB #: 1902-0028, exp 06/30/11

Filing Date: For 2004 on April 25, 2005. Thereafter, April 18
Form No. 2A - Non-major Natural Gas Pipeline Annual Report
Summary Information Downloads & Links
Form No. 2-A is an abbreviated Form No. 2 filed by non-major interstate natural gas pipelines subject to the jurisdiction of the FERC.

Non-major is defined as having total gas sales or volume transactions exceeding 200,000 dekatherms.
Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 260.2 External

OMB #: 1902-0030, exp 06/30/2011

Filing Date: For 2004 on April 25, 2005. Thereafter, April 18
Form No. 3-Q - Quarterly Financial Report of Electric Utilities, Licensees, and Natural Gas Companies
Summary Information Downloads & Links
The Form No. 3-Q is a comprehensive quarterly financial and operating report which supplements Annual Report Forms 2 and 2-A and is submitted for each Major and Non Major Natural Gas Company. Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 260.300 External

OMB #:
1902-0205, expires 01/31/2012

Filing Dates: Thereafter, for Majors - 60 days and for Non-Majors - 70 days - after the end of the quarter.
Note: This form submission uses the Form 2 Software that has been modified to accept the quarterly data.
Form No. 11 - Quarterly Statement of Monthly Data
Summary Information Downloads & Links
Form No. 11 was filed quarterly by interstate natural gas pipeline companies meeting the criteria set forth in the form. For each month of the quarter the respondent reported quantities shipped or stored and revenues received under each rate schedule.

Note: Form 11 was discontinued 2/28/2009 (per Orders 710 and 710-A, in Docket No. RM07-9), with similar data incorporated into Forms 2 and 3Q.

Form No. 537 - Annual Certificate Report
Summary Information Downloads & Links
These reports are assigned a CP docket number. A report detailing various activities undertaken under blanket certificate authority. A complete list of the types of activities which must be reported are listed at the referenced regulation. Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 157.207 External

OMB #: 1902-0060, exp 5/31/2010

Filing Date: May 1
Form No. 537 - Annual Report of 311 Facility Activities
Summary Information Downloads & Links
The pipeline must file an annual report of each activity involving the construction of, or the abandonment with removal of, facilities authorized pursuant to Section 284.3(c) and Subpart B or C of Part 284. These reports are assigned a CP docket number. Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 284.11(d) External

OMB #: 1902-0060, exp 5/31/2010

Filing Date: May 1
Form No. 549B - Index of Customers
Summary Information Downloads & Links
On the first business day of each calendar quarter interstate pipelines engaged in transactions under a blanket certificate must file with the Commission a list of all firm transportation and storage customers under contract as of the first day of the calendar quarter. Chapter: 18 CFR Sec 284.13(c) External

OMB #: 1902-0169, exp 11/30/2010

Filing Date: First business day of each calendar quarter
Form No. 552 - Annual Report of Natural Gas Transactions
Summary Information Downloads & Links
Form No. 552 collects transactional information from natural gas market participants.

Market participants must fill out the form annually if: (1) they make use of a blanket sales certificate under § 284.402 or § 284.284; (2) their reportable natural gas sales were greater than 2.2 million MMBtu in the reporting year; or (3) their reportable natural gas purchases were greater than 2.2 million MMBtu in the reporting year.
Chapter: 18 CFR 260.401

OMB #: 1902-0242, exp 12/31/2011

Filing Date:
Contact Information
Form No. 552 Filing Matters
Thomas Russo
Telephone: 202-502-8792

Efiling Matters
Telephone: 202-502-8258
Form No. 577 - Annual Report of Replacement of Certificated Facilities
Summary Information Downloads & Links
This annual report lists for the previous year all projects representing the replacement of existing facilities that have or will soon become physically deteriorated or obsolete. Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 2.55(b)(4) External

OMB #: 1902-0128, exp 5/31/2010

Filing Date: May 1
Form No. 592 - Marketing Affiliates of Interstate Pipelines
Summary Information Downloads & Links
This form provides the electronic formats for maintaining information on discounted transportation transactions and capacity allocation to support monitoring of activities of interstate pipeline marketing affiliates. Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 250.16 External

OMB #: 1902-0157, exp 12/31/09

Filing Date: 30 days after the month that any changes occur
Forms Additional Information:
Form No. 3-Q: Quarterly Financial Report of Electric Utilities, Licensees, and Natural Gas Companies
Form No. 80: Licensed Hydropower Development Recreation Report
Form No. 3-Q - Quarterly Financial Report of Electric Utilities, Licensees, and Natural Gas Companies
Summary Information Downloads & Links
The Form No. 3-Q is a comprehensive quarterly financial and operating report which supplements Form 1 and is submitted for all Major and Non-Major:
  • Electric Utilities;
  • Licensees; and
  • Natural Gas Companies
who engage in:
  • Generation;
  • Transmission;
  • Distribution, or
  • Sale of electric energy.
Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 141.400 External

OMB #:
1902-0205, exp 10/31/2011

Filing Dates: Thereafter, for Majors - 60 days and for Non-Majors - 70 days - after the end of the quarter.
Note: This form submission uses the Form 1 Software that has been modified to accept the quarterly data.
Form No. 80 - Licensed Hydropower Development Recreation Report
Summary Information Downloads & Links
The Form No. 80 is used to gather information necessary for the Commission and other agencies to know what recreational facilities are located at licensed projects, whether public recreational needs are being accommodated by the facilities, and where additional efforts could be made to meet future needs. Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 8.11 External

OMB #: 1902-0106, exp 09/30/10

Filing Date: April 1
Forms Additional Information:
Form No. 6: Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies
Form No. 6-Q: Quarterly Report of Oil Pipeline Companies
Form No. 6 - Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies
Summary Information Downloads & Links
The Form No. 6 is designed to collect financial and operational information from oil pipeline companies subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. Order 620 [eLibrary] requires all jurisdictional oil pipeline companies to use the Commission's software to electronically file Form 6 commencing with reporting year 2000.

Each oil pipeline carrier whose annual jurisdictional operating revenues exceed $500,000 must file FERC Form 6 (18 C.F.R. § 357.2)

Oil pipeline carriers exempt from filing FERC Form 6 whose annual jurisdictional operating revenues have been more than $350,000 but less than $500,000 must prepare and file page 301, "Operating Revenue Accounts (Account 600), and page 700, "Annual cost of Service Based Analysis Schedule," of FERC Form 6. When submitting pages 301 and 700, each exempt oil pipeline carrier must include page 1 of the FERC Form 6, the Identification and Attestation schedules (18 C.F.R. § 357.2 (a)(2)).

Oil pipeline carriers exempt from filing FERC Form 6 and whose annual jurisdictional operating revenues were $350,000 or less for each of the three previous calendar years must prepare and file page 700, "Annual Cost of Service Based Analysis Schedule," of FERC Form 6. When submitting page 700, each exempt oil pipeline carrier must include page 1 of FERC Form 6, the Identification and Attestation schedule (18 C.F.R. § 357.2 (a)(3)).
Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 357.1 External & 357.2 External

OMB #: 1902-0022, exp 06/30/2010

Filing Date: April 18
Form No. 6-Q - Quarterly Report of Oil Pipeline Companies
Summary Information Downloads & Links
The Form No. 6-Q is to collect quarterly financial and operational information from oil pipeline companies subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. Order 646 PDF requires all jurisdictional oil pipeline companies to use the Commission's software to electronically file Form 6-Q commencing with reporting year 2004.

Oil pipeline carriers submitting FERC Form 6 (annual jurisdictional operating revenues exceed $500,000) must submit FERC Form 6-Q (18 C.F.R. § 357.4(a)).
Chapter: 18 CFR Sec. 357.4 External

OMB #: 1902-0206, exp 07/31/10

Filing Dates:
70 days after end of the quarter
Note: This form submission uses the Form 6 Software that has been modified to accept the quarterly data.
Forms Additional Information:
Form No. 60: Annual Report of Centralized Service Companies
Form No. 60 – Annual Report of Centralized Service Companies
Summary Information Downloads & Links
Form No. 60 is an annual regulatory support requirement under 18 CFR 366.23 for centralized service companies. The report is designed to collect financial information from centralized service companies subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The report is considered to be a non-confidential public use form. Chapter: 18 CFR 366.23 External

OMB #: 1902-0215, exp 02/28/2010

Filing Date: May 1

Updated: May 8, 2009