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ACF Region 2 New York
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About Region 2

Greetings from the Regional Administrator

Joyce A. Thomas

Joyce A. Thomas, Regional AdministratorWelcome to the Region II Office of the Administration for Children and Families. As the Regional Administrator, I am pleased to share information about our programs and activities with you.

The Administration for Children and Families, that's ACF for short, is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. As our name implies, ACF supports a variety of programs, projects and initiatives designed to improve the lives of children, youth and families.

If you have ever heard about Head Start, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, the Child Care and Development Fund, the Child Support Enforcement or Adoption Assistance programs, Runaway and Homeless Youth, you may already be familiar with our agency. Some of our programs focus on working with people with developmental disabilities, refugees, migrants, children of prisoners, and runaway and homeless youth.

In support of children and their parents, ACF sponsors special family strengthening initiatives highlighting healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood.  Ever mindful that strong, healthy and supportive communities have a positive impact on the quality of life and the development of children, ACF works with the public, private and non-profit sectors to achieve good outcomes for children.  Under Emergency Preparedness and Response, ACF Region II partners with FEMA, state government, grantees and Tribes to ensure coordination of essential Human Service programs during disasters.  Through the Faith-based and Community initiative, ACF works to remove barriers to the full participation of faith-based and other community services in the delivery of social services.

The goals that are important to our agency - families and individuals becoming self-sufficient, parents taking responsibility for the physical, emotional and financial support of their children, and communities that are safe, healthy and developmentally supportive places for children, youth and families - touch the lives of all who live in the areas that comprise Region II: New Jersey, New York, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Mensaje de parte de la Administradora Regional
Joyce A. Thomas

Bienvenidos a la oficina de la Región II de la Administración para Niños y Familias.  Como Administradora Regional  me satisface poder hacer uso de la nueva tecnología para compartir información relacionada a nuestros programas y otras actividades.

La Administración para Niños y Familias (ACF) es parte del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos.  Esto significa que la Administración para Niños y Familias sirve de apoyo a una variedad de programas, proyectos e iniciativas diseñadas para mejorar la calidad de vida de los niños, jóvenes y familias.

Si usted ha oído hablar de nuestros programas, tales como:  "Head Start", Asistencia Temporal para Familias Necesitadas, Fondo para el Desarrollo del Cuidado de Niños, Programa para el Sustento de Menores o el Programa de Asistencia para Adopción, Jovenes sin Hogar y Desertores, debe estar familiarizado con nuestra agencia.  Algunos de nuestros programas enfocan su atención en personas con discapacidades, refugiados, migrantes, hijos de prisioneros, y jóvenes desertores y sin hogar. Para llevar a cabo nuestra misión, nuestra agencia trabaja en colaboración con el gobierno estatal y local, organizaciones comunales sin fines de lucro y la industria privada.

En apoyo a los niños y sus padres, la Administración de Niños y Families también auspicia iniciativas especiales dirigidas a fortalecer la familia, tales como:  Matrimonio Saludable y Paternidad Responsable.
Las comunidades que ofrecen el apoyo y el bienestar apropiado tienen un impacto positivo en la calidad de vida y desarrollo de los niños. Por lo tanto, ACF trabaja con los sectores públicos, privados y sin fines de lucro para lograr estos resultados en los niños.

Bajo el programa de Preparación y Respuesta a Emergencias, ACF- Region II  se asocia con FEMA, el gobierno estatal, los beneficiarios y las tribus para asegurar la coordinación de programas de servicios humanos esenciales durante los desastres.  A través de la iniciativa comunitaria basada en la fe, ACF trabaja para eliminar barreras y lograr una mayor participación de los servicios comunitarios

La Administración para Niños y Familias trabaja con otras agencias para asegurar que las familias y cada individuo se tornen auto suficientes, que los padres asuman responsabilidad para el sustento físico, emocional y económico de sus hijos, y que las comunidades sean lugares seguros, con un ambiente saludable para nuestros niños, jóvenes y familias. Nuestra agencia tiene como meta impactar las vidas de todos los que residen en las áreas que comprenden la Región II, New Jersey, New York, Gobierno de Puerto Rico y las Islas Vírgenes estadounidenses.


Service Area

ACF Region 2 serves New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands.

Up-to-date information about Region 2 states and jurisdictions can be found at the following links:

 New Jersey | New York | Puerto Rico | Virgin Islands


2 States and 2 Jurisdictions
240 Head Start Grantees serving 106,263 children
62 Early Head Start Grantees serving 6966 pregnant women, infants and toddlers
35 Runaway and Homeless Grants
7 Federally-recognized Tribes


The Office of the Regional Administrator is located in New York and responsible for the Administration for Children and Families' key national goals and priorities. The Office provides executive leadership and direction to state, county, city, territorial and tribal governments, as well as public and private local grantees to ensure effective and efficient program and financial management. It ensures that these entities conform to federal laws, regulations, policies and procedures governing the programs, and exercises all delegated authorities and responsibilities for oversight of the programs.

Within the Office of the Regional Administrator, a staff directs the development of regional work plans related to the overall ACF strategic plan; tracks, monitors and reports on regional progress in the attainment of ACF national goals and objectives; and manages special and sensitive projects. It serves as the focal point for public affairs and contacts with the media, public awareness activities, information dissemination and education campaigns in accordance with the ACF Office of Public Affairs and in conjunction with the HHS Regional Director; and assists the Regional Administrator in the management of cross-cutting initiatives and activities among the regional components.