NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Eligibility for Submitting a NERSC Allocation Request

NERSC supports research that reflects the mission of DOE's Office of Science (DOE SC). All Principal Investigators funded by the Office of Science are eligible to apply for an allocation of NERSC resources. In addition, researchers who aren't directly supported by DOE SC but whose projects are relevant to the mission of the Office of Science may apply to use NERSC. Up to seven percent of the NERSC resources may be awarded to projects that aren't directly supported by the Office of Science. You will need to know which DOE Office and Program most closely corresponds to the work you are doing: see DOE Offices, Programs and Allocations Managers.

All PIs and users must agree to and sign the Computer Use Policies form before receiving a NERSC login.

If you are applying for an allocation for the first time please read Applying for Your First NERSC Allocation.

Page last modified: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 23:46:39 GMT
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