Health Care

Congressman Blumenauer believes that the United States health care system is reaching a crisis point. Even though the U.S. spends more than any other nation on healthcare, America’s health outcomes still lag behind less developed countries that spend far less. 47 million Americans are uninsured, nine million of whom are children. In Oregon alone, more than 500,000 individuals lack health insurance.

This is why Congressman Blumenauer is working to provide universal, quality health care for all Americans. Treating the whole person, not just physical ailments, is critical to the comprehensive approach. Early detection of disease and prevention through childhood vaccinations, semi-annual dental cleanings, mammograms, and other routine checks results in healthier citizens as well as long-term cost savings. 

Health Care for our Children

Universal Health Care

Wellness and Prevention

Health Care for our Children

Congressman Blumenauer is a firm advocate for children’s health insurance. Good health starts by making sure all kids, from an early age, have access to health care.

Congressman Blumenauer has been working to increase the number of low income children covered by the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). SCHIP currently provides 6.6 million American children with health insurance. It costs less than $3.50 a day to cover a child through SCHIP. Under the proposal Congressman Blumenauer has supported, an additional 3.4 million kids across the country, and 90,000 in Oregon, would have health insurance.

Comprehensive and Affordable Health Care for All Americans

Oregon is a model for quality care that is also efficient, but under the current system these accomplishments are neither encouraged nor compensated.  The health care system must be restructured to reward efficiency and encourage preventative care so we can achieve the best possible health outcomes.  Better coordination of services, along with investing our health care dollars more strategically, will lead to cost savings for our taxpayers and far healthier Americans.

Congressman Blumenauer has long supported improving both the health and health care of all Americans, but these issues are now all the more important with our pressing economic challenges and growing social needs. He is very hopeful that the leadership of the Obama administration, coupled with a strong determination in the House and Senate, the country can finally achieve real health care reform in the near future. Blumenauer looks forward to working with his colleagues to explore different ideas and approaches because any legislation can only be successful with a broad coalition of support.

Congressman Blumenauer committed to the following principles:

  • Provide comprehensive health care coverage and access for all

  • Improve the quality, value and equality of health care

  • Prevent disease and promote healthier lifestyles

  • Reign in ineffective health care spending

  • Invest in research that provides better guidance to both physicians and patients about the most effective treatment options

  • Train a health care workforce to meet our community’s needs

  • Give states the flexibility to explore new, innovative ideas that will enhance coverage or improve accessibility.

Wellness and Prevention

Congressman Blumenauer recognizes that prevention is essential to keeping people healthy, and policies that support wellness make sense from both a medical and financial standpoint. More than half of America’s adults are overweight, and nearly one-third are obese.  In addition to being the second leading cause of unnecessary deaths in the U.S., obesity also carries annual healthcare costs of about $100 billion.  Not only are these figures alarming, but they demonstrate that we are witnessing a rapid decline in the overall health of our citizens in epidemic proportions.

Congressman Blumenauer is a longtime advocate of preventive care, which includes providing access to locally grown food that is healthy. He has also worked to offer a variety of transportation options, including incentives to bike to work. Policies regarding natural spaces in residential areas and even guaranteed sick days all have a tremendous impact on our health and well-being. 

In 2008 Congress passed, and the President signed, Congressman Blumenauer's Bike Commuter Act, which extends transportation benefits similar to those offered for parking and transit, to those who commute by bicycle. Last Congress he also introduced the Healthy Foods for Healthy Living Act, which increases access to fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy alternatives in low-income communities in an effort to combat obesity. This congress, Senator Harkin and Congressman Blumenauer will be introducing the Healthy Workforce Act to assist businesses in providing a range of opportunities to help employees lead healthier lives, including incentives to offer onsite health promotion programs.  The legislation is targeted primarily at smaller and mid-sized companies, who would otherwise have difficulty making the initial investment needed to support such programs.  Keeping workers healthy in the first place can go a long way to reducing the growth in health care costs to employers.