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Climate Publications From 1994

Baum, B. A., R. F. Arduini, B. A. Wielicki, P. Minnis, and S. C. Tsay, 1994: Multilevel cloud retrieval using multispectral HIRS and AVHRR data: Nighttime oceanic analysis. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 5499-5514. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Clouds, Modeling]

Bell, T. L., and R. Suhasini, 1994: Principal Modes of Variation of rain-rate probability distributions. J. Appl. Meteor., 33, 1067-1078. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Rainfall]

Cahalan, R. F., 1994: Bounded cascade clouds albedo and effective thickness. Nonlinear Proc. Geophys., 1, 156-167. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Clouds, Modeling]

Cahalan, R. F., W. Ridgway, W. J. Wiscombe, T. L. Bell, and J. B. Snider, 1994: The albedo of fractal stratocumulus clouds. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 2434-2455. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Clouds, Modeling]

Cahalan, R. F., W. Ridgway, W. J. Wiscombe, Harshvardhan, and S. Gollmer, 1994: Independent pixel and Monte Carlo estimates of stratocumulus albedo. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 3776-3790. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Clouds, Modeling, Remote Sensing]

Chao, W. C., and S.-J. Lin, 1994: Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation, Super Cloud Clusters and Cumulus Convection Schemes. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 1282-1297. [Full Text (PDF)]

Chou, M.-D., 1994: Coolness in the tropical Pacific during an El Nino episode. J. Climate, 7, 1684-1692.

Chou, M.-D., 1994: Radiation budgets in the western Pacific. J. Climate, 7, 1958-1971.

Dalu, G., C. Prabhakara, A. Pompei, and J. Nucciarone, 1994: Rainfall estimation over the oceans from 37 GHz radiometric measurements. II. Nuovo Cimento, 17, 349-358.

Davis, A., A. Marshak, and W. Wiscombe, 1994: Wavelet-based multifractal analysis of non-stationary and/or intermittent geophysical signals. Wavelets in Geophysics. E. Foufoula-Georgiou and Kumar, Eds., Academic Press, 249-298.

Davis, A., A. Marshak, W. J. Wiscombe, and R. F. Cahalan, 1994: Multifractal characterizations of non-stationarity and intermittency in geophysical fields: Observed, retrieved, or simulated. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 8055-8072. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Analysis, Clouds]

Gao, B.-C., and W. Wiscombe, 1994: Surface-induced brightness temperature variations and their effects on detecting thin cirrus clouds using IR emission channels in the 8-12 mm region. J. Appl. Meteor., 33, 568-570.

James, P. B., R. T. Clancy, S. W. Lee, L. J. Martin, R. B. Singer, E. Smith, R. A. Kahn, and R. W. Zurek, 1994: Monitoring Mars with the Hubble Space Telescope: 1990-1991. Icarus, 109, 79-101.

Jiang, W. M., Y. M. Xu, and H. Yu, 1994: Fundamentals of Boundary Layer Meteorology. ISBN 7-305-2589-4, Nanjing University Press, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. (Chinese).

Jiang, W. M., and H. Yu, 1994: A numerical study of the thermal internal boundary layer and dispersion of air pollutants in coastal areas. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 11(3), 285-290.

Jin, Z., K. Stamnes, W. F. Weeks, and S. C. Tsay, 1994: The effect of sea ice on the solar energy budget in the atmosphere-sea ice-ocean system: A model study. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 25281-25294. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Solar Radiation]

Justice, C. O., V. Salomonson, D. Hall, J. Barker, Y. Kaufman, A. H. Strahler, A. R. Huette, J. P. Muller, V. Vanderbilt, Z. M. Wan, P. Teillet, and D. Carneggie, 1994: Terrestrial remote sensing science and algorithms planned for EOS/MODIS: Running. Int. J. Rem. Sens., 15, 3587-3620.

Kaufman, Y. J., 1994: Remote sensing of the direct and indirect aerosol forcing: A review for the Dahlem Conference, Berlin, April 1994. Aerosol Forcing of Climate, Charlson & Heintzenberg, Eds., Wiley, England, 297-334.

Kaufman, Y. J., A. Gitelson, A. Karnieli, E. Ganor, R. S. Fraser, T. Nakajima, S. Mattoo, and B. N. Holben, 1994: Size distribution and scattering phase function of aerosol particles retrieved from sky brightness measurements. J. Geophys. Res. (Atmos.), 99, 10341-10356.

Kaufman, Y. J., B. N. Holden, D. Tanre, and D. Ward, 1994: Remote sensing of biomass burning in the Amazon. Special issue on remote sensing of the Amazon. Remote Sens. Rev., 10, 51-90.

Kaufman, Y. J., and L. A. Remer, 1994: Detection of forests using Mid-IR reflectance: An application for aerosol studies. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 32, 672-683.

Kaufman, Y. J., and D. Tanre, 1994: Effect of variations in supersaturation on the formation of cloud condensation nuclei. Nature., 369, 45-48.

Keating, G. M., G. P. Brasseur, L. S. Chiou, and N. C. Hsu, 1994: Estimating 11-year solar UV variations using 27-day response as a guide to isolate trends in total column ozone. Earth's Middle Atmosphere Adv. in Space Res., 14 (9), 199-209.

Keating, G. M., L. S. Chiou, and N. C. Hsu, 1994: Coupling between middle atmosphere trend estimates and solar effects in ozone vertical structure. Adv. Space Res.,14, 201-209.

Keating, G. M., L. S. Chiou, and N. C. Hsu, 1994: Coupling between middle atmosphere trend estimates and solar effects in ozone vertical structure. Adv. Space Res. 14, 201-209.

Knyazikhin, Yu., A. Marshak, D. Schulze, R. Myneni, and G. Gravenhorst, 1994: Optimization of solar radiation input as a tool for planting/cutting of trees. Transport Theory Statis. Phys., 23, 671-700. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)]

Lare, A. R., and S. E. Nicholson, 1994: Contrasting conditions of surface water balance in wet years and dry years as a possible land surface-atmosphere feedback mechanism in the West African Sahel. J. Climate, 7, 653-668. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Modeling, Rainfall, Surface Properties]

Lau, K.-M., V. Mehta, Y. C. Sud, and G. K. Walker, 1994: Climatology and natural variability of the global hydrologic cycle in the GLA atmospheric general circulation model. J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 99(D1), 1329-1345. [Analysis, Modeling]

Lau, K.-M., C.-H. Sui, M.-D. Chou, and W.-K. Tao, 1994: An inquiry into the Cirrus-Cloud Thermostat Effect for tropical sea surface temperature. Geophys Res. Lett., 21, 1157-1160.

Lau, K.-M., C.-H. Sui, M.-D. Chou, and W.-K. Tao, 1994: Reply to Comment on paper: An inquiry into the Cirrus-Cloud Thermostat Effect for tropical sea surface temperature. Geophys. Res. Lett., 21, 1187-1188.

Li, C., and Y. Zhou, 1994: Relationship between intraseasonal oscillation in the tropical atmosphere and ENSO. CTA Geophysica Sinica, 37, no.l, 17-26.

Lin, S.-J., W. C. Chao, Y. C. Sud, and G. K. Walker, 1994: A class of the van Leer-type transport schemes and its application to the moisture transport in a general circulation model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 122(7), 1575-1593. [Analysis, Clouds, Rainfall]

Liston, G. E., Y. C. Sud, and E. F. Wood, 1994: Evaluating GCM land-surface hydrology parameterization by computing river discharge using a runoff routing model: Application to the Mississippi Basin. J. Appl. Meteor., 33(3), 394-405. [Analysis, Modeling, Surface Properties]

Marshak, A., A. Davis, R. F. Cahalan, and W. J. Wiscombe, 1994: Bounded Cascade Models as non-stationary multifractals. Phys. Rev., E49, 55-69. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Clouds, Modeling]

Pesnell, W. D., K. Omidvar, W. R. Hoegy, and L. E. Wharton, 1994: The O+- O collision frequency in high speed flows. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 21375-21382.

Platnick, S., and S. Twomey, 1994: Remote sensing the susceptibility of cloud albedo to changes in drop concentration. Atmos. Res., 34, 85-98. [Aerosols, Clouds, Remote Sensing]

Platnick, S., and S. Twomey, 1994: Determining the susceptibility of cloud albedo to changes in droplet concentration with the advanced very high resolution radiometer. J. Appl. Meteor., 33, 334-347. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)] [Aerosols, Clouds, Remote Sensing]

Price, R. D., M. D. King, J. T. Dalton, K. S. Pedelty, P. E. Ardanuy, and M. K. Hobish, 1994: Earth science data for all: EOS and the EOS Data and Information System. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 60, 277-285. [Full Text (PDF)] [Remote Sensing]

Wen, G., and J. E. Frederick, 1994: Ozone within El Chicon aerosol cloud inferred from solar backscatter ultraviolet continuous-scan measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 99, D1, pp 1263-1271. [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)]

Yang, F., and Y. Chongguang, 1994: Numerical experiments on the causes of anomalous rainfall in the Yangtze River Valley and the Yellow River Valley in the summer of 1985. Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 18, 345.

Yu, H., and W. M. Jiang, 1994: A mesoscale simulation system for atmospheric dispersion in coastal areas. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 14(2), 191-197. (Chinese).

Yu, H., and W. M. Jiang, 1994: Observational study of turbulent characteristics in the atmospheric surface layer in a lake-shore area. J. Nanjing University, 30, 369-374. (Chinese).

Yu, H., and W. M. Jiang, 1994: Application of random walk model to the assessment of regional atmospheric environmental impacts. Electrical Power Environmental Protection, 10(1), 20-30. (Chinese).

May 7, 2009 in Publications
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