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Sen. Kyl and delegation visiting Jericho in the Palestinian West Bank where U.S. personnel are training the Palestinian Presidential Guard and Palestinian National Security Forces. LtG Keith Dayton, USA retired, is the lead U.S. trainer (third from the left).

Latest News
05/05/09  Senator Kyl’s Remarks at the AIPAC Policy Conference
04/30/09  Kyl on Cram down: “Congress should not incentivize bankruptcy by making it the only means to save one’s home"
04/29/09  Kyl Statement on Proposed Closure of Guantanamo Bay Detention

Weekly Column
04/27/09 -- Protecting Intelligence
Since its inception, and as ordained in the Constitution, the federal government has had a duty to defend and protect its citizens. From the time of George Washington, intelligence has been a central component in the effort to safeguard the nation and the American people. While the results of intelligence gathering are sometimes released (usually after appropriate time has lapsed), it is very rare for “sources and methods” to be released because of the advantage such knowledge gives to adversaries.
More >>

Recent media interviews
and floor statements

Terrorism, Technology, and Homeland Security Subcommittee::

April 21, 2009: "Protecting National Security and Civil Liberties: Strategies for Terrorism Information Sharing"

Today in the Senate: Senate Calendar

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Sections of Site:

My constituents in Arizona contact me about a wide range of issues. Here is my position on some of the hottest topics that are currently being mentioned in calls, letters, and email:

Cramdown Legislation: a prescription for higher mortgage interest rates

Kyl Statement on Proposed Closure of Guantanamo Bay Detention

President Obama’s FY 2010 Budget

Card Check:  An Attack on the Sanctity of the Secret Ballot

E-Verify:  Reauthorize the Program and Check Worker Status

Senator Kyl's Recommended Reading:
"Security Before Politics" By Porter J. Goss, The Washington Post, April 25, 2009
"Obama's 'Science' Fiction" By Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post, March 13, 2009

Recommended Reading List >>

Swine Flu Phishing Attacks
and Email Scams

The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team is aware of email scams circulating related to the Swine Flu. The attacks arrive via an unsolicited email message typically containing a subject line related to the Swine Flu. These email messages may contain a link or an attachment. If users click on this link or open the attachment, they may be directed to a phishing website or exposed to malicious code. For more info visit the USCERT website.


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