What services do you provide?


It's an honor for me to serve you, on the job, every day.  My office can  help you with a variety of needs, whether you are having a problem with a federal agency, have a question on an issue, would like to visit Washington D.C., or want to voice your opinion on legislation. Please don't hesitate to contact me.


What agencies can you speak to on my behalf?


As a federal representative, I am able to make inquiries of federal agencies. If your case involves a state or local agency, please contact your state or local government representative for assistance. 


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Why do you need an authorization form?


We need the Casework Authorization Form filled out to authorize my office to request information about your case from any federal agency.  (Required by the privacy law 1973)


Can you speed up my case?


It is rare that a case can be expedited for any reason other than extreme hardship.  If you believe your situation merits faster processing, please fill out a Casework Authorization Form and return it to my District Office at 2737 78th Ave SE Suite 202, Mercer Island, WA 98040 or fax it to (206) 275-3437. 


Do I have to live in the Eighth District?


Each Member of Congress has the honor of serving his or her own constituents. Therefore, we must pass on any and all information we receive about a person who resides in another district to his or her Member of Congress.


Unsure what district in which you live? Visit http://www.house.gov/, and enter your zip code + four.  If you are unsure of your + four digits you may go to the United States Postal Service website to find out. 


Can you help me in changing a law?


If you are advocating for a change in federal law, please contact any of my offices and leave a comment, write me a letter or send me an e-mail.  


Can you help me with a legal dispute?


As a member of the legislative branch of government, I cannot get involved in court cases or legal disputes due to the separation of powers mandated by our Constitution. 

For more information and other services, visit Congressman Reichert's Constituent Services section.


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