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TANF Banner: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

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COMBINED TANF AND SSP-MOE - Fiscal and Calendar Year 2006
Total Number of No Parent Families
As of 03/31/09

State Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Average
FY 2006
CY 2009
U.S. Totals 840,377 842,211 845,288 832,000 828,534 829,380 837,681 836,351 832,142 820,005 819,113 814,978 792,892 792,599 794,185 831,505 819,155
Alabama 9,155 9,192 9,198 9,149 9,036 9,037 8,983 9,025 8,932 8,935 9,107 9,080 9,032 9,067 9,185 9,069 9,047
Alaska 1,020 1,032 1,025 1,023 1,018 1,025 1,030 1,040 1,031 1,010 1,015 1,032 1,033 1,009 1,010 1,025 1,023
Arizona 18,816 18,906 18,939 18,829 18,710 18,638 18,543 18,447 18,287 18,176 18,271 18,271 18,016 17,884 17,883 18,569 18,330
Arkansas 4,317 4,294 4,282 4,279 4,236 4,224 4,121 4,130 4,101 4,045 4,061 4,043 4,034 4,026 4,031 4,178 4,111
California 221,307 220,922 222,596 224,736 224,864 227,419 228,291 228,386 227,371 221,476 220,952 217,730 218,095 218,321 219,764 223,838 223,117
Colorado 5,146 5,147 5,212 5,247 5,220 5,271 5,221 5,134 5,078 5,021 4,949 4,928 4,871 4,868 4,845 5,131 5,054
Connecticut 8,558 8,544 8,558 8,549 8,501 8,508 8,570 8,517 8,507 8,315 8,265 7,987 8,228 8,159 8,147 8,448 8,354
Delaware 2,621 2,605 2,617 2,614 2,604 2,594 2,563 2,546 2,524 2,515 2,525 2,541 2,675 2,662 2,631 2,572 2,583
Dist. of Col. 7,032 7,004 6,920 6,940 7,000 6,949 6,589 6,794 6,793 6,610 6,556 6,806 2,242 2,240 2,237 6,833 5,646
Florida 40,330 40,765 40,826 40,359 39,820 39,089 38,868 39,090 38,661 38,794 38,657 38,334 38,247 38,515 38,828 39,466 38,939
Georgia 24,751 24,663 24,574 24,310 23,964 23,856 23,662 23,454 23,301 22,920 22,824 22,685 22,079 22,067 21,489 23,747 23,051
Guam 421 430 440 438 439 457 460 468 466 449 453 459 454 457 413 448 451
Hawaii 2,412 2,402 2,400 2,389 2,396 2,406 2,411 2,427 2,405 2,370 2,375 2,409 1,946 2,191 2,390 2,400 2,343
Idaho 1,395 1,399 1,437 1,420 1,420 1,433 1,432 1,419 1,440 1,428 1,431 1,427 1,438 1,439 1,422 1,423 1,429
Illinois 19,120 19,177 19,201 19,186 19,133 18,979 18,818 18,704 18,518 18,000 17,845 17,763 17,716 17,705 17,717 18,704 18,340
Indiana 18,536 18,560 18,515 18,446 18,670 18,649 18,577 18,603 18,235 18,081 18,078 18,004 9,506 9,462 9,504 18,413 16,151
Iowa 5,402 5,378 5,320 5,276 5,261 5,262 5,333 5,324 5,237 5,173 5,145 5,201 5,598 5,619 5,637 5,276 5,339
Kansas 4,670 4,664 4,678 4,661 4,645 4,646 4,705 4,678 4,637 4,433 4,423 4,362 4,311 4,259 4,253 4,600 4,501
Kentucky 17,048 17,095 17,104 17,081 17,115 17,135 17,131 17,239 17,189 17,119 17,257 17,233 17,208 17,269 17,260 17,146 17,186
Louisiana 9,917 9,867 9,386 8,439 8,190 7,989 7,783 7,715 7,548 7,478 7,610 7,673 7,822 7,885 7,924 8,300 7,838
Maine 2,730 2,756 2,814 2,801 2,784 2,770 2,799 2,792 2,774 2,698 2,761 2,790 2,014 2,017 2,037 2,772 2,586
Maryland 9,608 9,568 9,732 9,692 9,624 9,622 9,564 9,515 9,495 9,394 9,389 9,375 8,726 8,649 8,684 9,548 9,311
Massachusetts 16,728 16,800 16,968 16,800 16,809 16,893 16,923 16,701 16,812 16,436 16,336 16,956 17,034 17,178 17,196 16,764 16,840
Michigan 26,994 27,188 27,321 27,342 27,353 27,375 27,275 27,243 26,998 26,685 26,666 26,774 23,009 22,976 23,227 27,101 26,077
Minnesota 9,379 9,722 9,768 9,784 9,820 9,880 9,844 9,878 9,898 9,694 9,701 9,765 9,792 9,847 9,865 9,761 9,814
Mississippi 7,366 7,397 7,422 7,284 7,109 6,953 6,892 6,891 6,868 6,831 6,823 6,800 5,573 5,507 5,406 7,053 6,578
Missouri 11,337 11,326 11,392 -    -    -    11,063 11,029 10,914 10,799 10,798 10,800 10,051 9,982 9,927 8,288 7,947
Montana 1,312 1,332 1,333 1,340 1,354 1,344 1,345 1,341 1,318 1,301 1,326 1,308 1,277 1,327 1,312 1,330 1,324
Nebraska 3,578 3,562 3,591 3,599 3,575 3,589 3,549 3,539 3,491 3,476 3,491 3,472 3,424 3,425 3,421 3,543 3,504
Nevada 3,552 3,566 3,571 3,388 3,361 3,375 3,349 3,350 3,301 3,273 3,247 3,235 3,292 3,282 3,355 3,381 3,317
New Hampshire 2,017 2,034 2,038 2,038 2,031 2,054 2,068 2,063 2,065 2,054 2,062 2,053 2,004 2,042 2,080 2,048 2,051
New Jersey 12,509 12,475 12,472 12,430 12,389 12,376 12,185 12,103 11,931 11,753 11,642 11,497 10,812 10,783 10,825 12,147 11,727
New Mexico 5,914 5,957 5,962 5,919 5,903 5,893 5,847 5,797 5,762 5,670 5,724 5,669 5,666 5,647 5,635 5,835 5,761
New York 62,907 62,722 62,912 62,785 62,403 62,788 62,497 62,401 62,535 61,807 61,609 61,473 61,720 61,537 61,612 62,403 62,097
North Carolina 19,509 19,572 19,652 19,530 19,303 19,232 18,981 18,988 18,786 18,569 18,611 18,444 18,377 18,335 18,239 19,098 18,783
North Dakota 687 682 693 686 708 696 705 707 728 733 693 694 576 574 567 701 672
Ohio 43,362 43,466 43,429 42,894 43,021 42,996 42,877 43,017 42,992 42,825 42,950 42,746 43,609 43,413 42,902 43,048 43,020
Oklahoma 6,323 6,288 6,258 6,238 6,277 6,274 6,127 6,195 6,183 6,160 6,125 6,078 6,279 6,200 6,169 6,211 6,192
Oregon 6,955 8,750 8,910 8,873 8,859 8,910 8,807 8,875 8,709 8,456 8,433 8,364 7,801 7,767 7,828 8,575 8,474
Pennsylvania 28,219 28,158 28,284 28,258 28,433 28,510 28,732 28,833 28,995 29,038 29,137 29,022 28,783 28,562 28,390 28,635 28,724
Puerto Rico 3,113 3,132 3,131 3,174 3,129 3,115 3,021 2,964 2,959 3,008 2,948 2,923 3,048 3,071 3,057 3,051 3,035
Rhode Island 4,115 4,114 4,132 4,133 4,129 4,138 4,154 4,180 4,204 4,144 4,102 4,181 2,643 2,660 2,626 4,144 3,775
South Carolina 7,847 7,806 7,734 7,735 7,646 7,587 7,605 7,548 7,543 7,576 7,667 7,619 7,684 7,615 7,563 7,659 7,616
South Dakota 1,806 1,811 1,843 1,842 1,819 1,834 1,843 1,844 1,836 1,814 1,859 1,856 1,866 1,901 1,918 1,834 1,853
Tennessee 18,074 18,050 18,112 18,096 18,014 17,910 17,905 17,792 17,745 17,704 17,668 17,645 17,624 17,540 17,473 17,893 17,760
Texas 48,776 47,837 47,639 46,626 45,442 44,837 44,188 43,501 43,265 43,034 42,870 42,879 42,946 42,489 42,368 45,075 43,704
Utah 3,005 2,985 3,017 3,008 3,011 3,040 2,976 2,985 2,955 2,878 2,867 2,845 2,970 2,918 2,945 2,964 2,950
Vermont 1,068 1,058 1,083 1,089 1,091 1,082 1,080 1,065 1,088 1,083 1,087 1,114 1,120 1,127 1,145 1,082 1,098
Virgin Islands 123 127 128 128 129 127 129 135 133 133 131 124 120 121 118 129 127
Virginia 12,014 12,059 12,042 12,123 12,053 12,069 12,030 11,915 11,950 11,758 11,752 11,713 11,404 11,480 11,441 11,957 11,807
Washington 20,323 20,871 21,706 21,930 21,786 21,542 21,285 21,033 20,670 19,930 19,808 19,628 19,868 20,299 21,056 20,876 20,736
West Virginia 5,342 5,345 5,329 5,365 5,289 5,325 5,279 5,275 5,244 5,199 5,284 5,400 5,023 5,008 5,050 5,306 5,228
Wisconsin 11,566 11,409 11,395 11,463 11,398 11,429 11,430 11,481 11,507 11,508 11,512 11,541 11,980 11,990 11,955 11,470 11,600
Wyoming 245 240 247 236 240 249 236 235 227 236 235 227 226 226 223 238 233
As of 03/31/09

Last Updated on 4/1/2009

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