Connecting afterschool providers to Federal resources that support children and youth during out-of-school hours.

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Interagency Executive Oversight Committee

This Website is Sponsered by HHS

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services'
Administration for Children and Families

This          Website is Sponsered by the Child Care Bureau.Child Care Bureau

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Non U.S. Government website indication icon. Links marked with this globe icon denote federally sponsored information on non-government web sites.

Evaluating Your Program

A quality afterschool program requires thorough evaluations. Evaluators can use the links below as a guide when evaluating afterschool programs.

Children, Youth And Families Education And Resource Network (CYFERNet)

CYFERNet is a national network of land grant university faculty and county Extension educators who solicit and review research in the field. Their website provides peer-reviewed research to the public to inform work done by CYFAR staff and others working with at-risk children and youth.

Quality Rating Systems and the Impact on Quality in Early Care and Education SettingsThis is a link to a non-governmental website. is not responsible for its content.

Quality Rating Systems (QRS) are a method to assess, improve and communicate the level of quality in early care and education settings. Provided on this site includes state specific information with evaluation techniques and best practices.

Resource Guide for Planning and Operating After-School ProgramsThis is a link to a non-governmental website. is not responsible for its content.

Now in its second edition, this resource guide describes readily available and inexpensive resources that support afterschool programs. Topics include management, communication, programming, community building and collaboration, and developing connections between K-12 educational and afterschool programs.

Last Modified $Date: 2009/04/22 9:45:26 $