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TANF Banner: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

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Table 3(c)
Work-Related Measures
Rates and Ranks of FY 2006 Percentage Point Changes in Performance 
over FY 2005 Performance by Work Related Measures
State Job Entry Job Retention Earnings Gain Success in the
Change Rank Change Rank Change Rank Rank*
U.S. Average** 1.31   0.28   (1.72)    
Alabama 13.30 1 (15.07) 51 (4.47) 44  
Alaska 2.82 11 0.33 24 (2.55) 37  
Arizona 2.21 16 2.14 9 (0.02) 21 8
Arkansas 1.36 22 1.23 18 (4.68) 45 24
California 1.76 19 (0.48) 33 (1.84) 34  
Colorado (0.89) 38 5.04 4 (5.28) 47 22
Connecticut (21.03) 50 (2.12) 44 0.67 14  
Delaware 0.39 28 1.83 11 1.74 9 5
Dist. of Col. (1.47) 44 (0.62) 37 0.38 18  
Florida (1.19) 41 (7.85) 49 (10.88) 51  
Georgia 4.25 7 (0.59) 36 (0.35) 23  
Hawaii 11.99 2 (1.93) 42 0.74 13  
Idaho 3.79 9 (2.44) 45 (9.82) 50  
Illinois 2.71 12 0.87 21 (1.22) 30  
Indiana 1.27 23 0.24 26 (3.16) 39  
Iowa 1.96 17 1.67 14 (0.39) 25 15
Kansas 1.76 18 1.70 13 (3.81) 42 23
Kentucky 9.46 3 3.02 7 (0.76) 28 12
Louisiana 2.45 14 13.02 1 9.48 1 1
Maine (1.81) 45 2.13 10 4.01 4 4
Maryland (0.96) 39 1.58 16 3.60 5 6
Massachusetts 0.68 25 (0.32) 31 1.23 10 17
Michigan 0.58 26 11.55 2 1.91 8 3
Minnesota 0.25 29 2.19 8 (1.52) 31 15
Mississippi 0.44 27 1.53 17 (0.61) 27 18
Missouri 9.31 4 (1.05) 41 2.43 6 19
Montana 2.25 15 5.09 3 (1.73) 32 12
Nebraska 1.23 24 1.79 12 0.58 15 7
Nevada (11.69) 49 3.98 5 7.77 2 2
New Hampshire (0.89) 37 (2.63) 46 (0.38) 24  
New Jersey (0.01) 31 (0.92) 39 (1.97) 36  
New Mexico 5.25 6 (8.67) 50 (2.83) 38  
New York (1.28) 42 1.61 15 (1.90) 35 20
North Carolina 7.58 5 0.16 27 (1.74) 33  
North Dakota 3.03 10 0.99 20 1.03 11 9
Ohio (0.01) 32 0.71 23 0.29 20  
Oklahoma (0.06) 33 (2.89) 47 0.30 19  
Oregon 0.02 30 (0.13) 29 (7.02) 48  
Pennsylvania 1.57 20 (0.51) 35 (0.94) 29  
Puerto Rico              
Rhode Island (0.30) 34 1.17 19 0.82 12 9
South Carolina 2.63 13 (2.03) 43 2.16 7 20
South Dakota (3.56) 48 (0.33) 32 (8.73) 49  
Tennessee (1.11) 40 0.26 25 0.44 17  
Texas 1.50 21 0.85 22 (3.85) 43  
Utah 4.23 8 3.04 6 (0.49) 26 11
Vermont (1.34) 43 (0.95) 40 0.57 16  
Virgin Islands              
Virginia (2.02) 46 (0.21) 30 (3.37) 40  
Washington (0.34) 35 (4.01) 48 (3.79) 41  
West Virginia (0.77) 36 (0.50) 34 5.57 3 14
Wisconsin (2.16) 47 (0.85) 38 (0.06) 22  
Wyoming (21.99) 51 (0.02) 28 (4.68) 46  
* Ranks on percentage point change in performance for the Job Retention and Earnings Gain submeasures are combined.  Only ranks of States with at least one positive percentage point change on one submeasure are then re-ranked.  (See 45 CFR, Part 270, Section 270.5(a)(4).)
** U.S. Average excludes Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and non-participating States.
*** State not participating.

This is a Historical Document.