tva logoTennessee Valley Authority
about tva

Providing Power in the Public Interest

Our Mission

Serving the Valley through Energy, Environment, and Economic Development. Read more.

Community Relations

TVA and its employees work for the betterment of Tennessee Valley communities by providing support for education, arts and culture, service projects, and more.

TVA Board Activities

Go to the Board of Directors page for live feeds to board meetings and video and audio downloads from previous meetings.

TVA Heritage

Read about the people who founded TVA, shaped its purpose, and built its power plants. TVA Heritage offers fascinating glimpses of the agency’s 75-year history.

TVA Fact Sheets

PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader.

TVA at a Glance

A brief overview of TVA’s activities in its three areas of responsibility: energy, environment, and economic development (PDF, 145 kb).

2007 Achievements

A report on TVA's operational successes for 2007 and its contributions to the Valley economy and environment. (PDF)

Overall | Energy | Environment | Economic Development | TVA and Your Community

Valley Facts

A guide to TVA (PDF, 1.4 mb) with illustrations of how each power source works. To order a printed copy e-mail us your name and address.

State Facts

Details on TVA’s operations in seven states and the economic impact of those activities. (PDF, 40 kb)

Alabama | Georgia | Kentucky | Mississippi | North Carolina | Tennessee | Virginia

TVA Ombudsman

As part of its continuing efforts to address the needs and concerns of its stakeholders, TVA has appointed Senior Vice President Peyton T. Hairston, Jr. as ombudsman to help resolve conflicts or issues. Read more.

Office of the Inspector General

The OIG is an independent office that promotes efficiency by preventing waste, fraud, and abuse at TVA. Learn more about the OIG. (This link takes you off the TVA Web site.)

Internal Energy Management

Even before the passage of legislation on energy efficiency at federal facilities, TVA had begun to reduce its energy use. Read about TVA’s internal energy management.

TVA Police

The TVA Police is a nationally accredited law enforcement agency providing protection for TVA employees and properties, and visitors to TVA recreation facilities.

Information Quality

TVA tries to ensure that the information it presents to the public is accurate and useful to its audience. Find out how to report an error in a TVA publication or on this Web site.


Calendar of Public Meetings

Through its open meetings, TVA carries on a continuing dialogue with the public. To take part, check our monthly calendar of upcoming meetings.

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