National Park Service and Links to the Past

images of a Confederate butternut linen uniform,sunrise at Round Top, and Union artillery at the Angel

images of Union line with visitor center cyclorama, and navigation features for discover Gettysburg and visit Gettysburg National ParkThe Battle of Gettysburg July 1-3
July 1st begins the anniversary of one of the most important events in American history. 138 years ago, the Union and Confederate armies collided just outside the previously anonymous Pennsylvania town of Gettysburg. The 3 day battle was crucial to the outcome of the Civil War . . . and the future of the United States.

The Gettysburg National Military Park is one example of how the National Park Service (NPS) is committed to preserving and protecting America's heritage. Each year 1.5 million visitors learn about the Battle of Gettysburg, the Civil War, the tools and weapons used, and the soldiers who served in that great conflict.

Now you can "virtually" visit the park and other online features that will give you exciting new insights into the war, the soldiers, their life, and their surroundings at Gettysburg. Most of these cannot be found elsewhere. Experience it all and enjoy.

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