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Reducing & Recycling

Organic Materials

There are several ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle organic materials. Excess food can be donated to feed hungry people. Yard trimmings, food waste, and wood waste can be made into mulch or compost and used to prevent soil erosion and provide valuable nutrients to plants. Manufacturing paper using recycled materials conserves resources for the future. By examining current landscaping, food preparation, and disposal practices, communities, businesses, and individuals can find creative ways to reduce and better manage municipal solid waste.

yard waste

Yard Trimmings

Yard trimmings include grass clippings and trimmings from bushes, trees, and other yard vegetation from residential, institutional, and commercial sources. Simple ways to reduce or recycle yard trimmings include grasscycling and composting.

Food Scraps

food scraps

Food wastes are food preparation wastes and uneaten food from residences, grocery stores, restaurants, cafeterias, and lunchrooms. The food waste recovery hierarchy shows how productive use can be made of much of the excess food that is currently thrown away. Edible food residuals can be donated to the needy, while inedible food residuals can be blended into compost or reprocessed into animal feed.

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Wood Waste


Wood waste includes furniture and other durable goods, wood packaging (e.g., crates and pallets), and other miscellaneous products. Chipped wood can be used onsite as mulch or a composting bulk agent. Salvaged or reusable wood products (e.g., furniture, doors) can be donated to nonprofit or charitable organizations. Recovered wood also can be used to manufacture new products such as medium density fiberboard and particle board for construction purposes. Find more ideas on how to reduce, reuse, and recycle wood waste below:

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Biodegradable and Compostable Plastics

tic plates and bowls

Plastic products are items you use everyday like bags, bottles, packaging, and containers. Conventional plastics used for these products include HDPE, PET, and LDPE. These plastics can be easily reused or recycled.

Other materials that have been developed are biodegradable and compostable plastics. This type of packaging will safely disintegrate and biodegrade in a well-managed composting site. Many, but not all, of these materials are produced from renewable resources (i.e. corn, switch grass, grain).

Two specifications that identify plastics as biodegradable and compostable have been developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials Exit Disclaimer:

Composting biodegradable or compostable packaging or products is an effective form of recycling.

The Biodegradable Products Institute Exit Disclaimer provides more information.

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Paper and Paperboard Products


Paper and paperboard products include items you use every day—newspapers, food packaging, tissues, corrugated cardboard boxes, office paper, and paper plates. Paper and paperboard products constitute the largest portion of MSW but also offers the greatest opportunity for source reduction (e.g., lightweighting packaging, double-sided copying) and recycling. To learn additional ways to reduce paper use or procure recycled-content paper products, go to:

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