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Tuesday, Aug. 3, 1999
Contact: Michael Kharfen
(202) 401-9215


President Clinton today directed HHS Secretary Donna E. Shalala to release $55 million in Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) emergency funds for nine states that have experienced extreme heat. The funds are in addition to the $100 million released to 17 states last month.

The nine states are Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and Wisconsin.

"Our hearts go out to the families and friends of the victims of the merciless hot weather," said Secretary Shalala. "This critical assistance announced by President Clinton today can safeguard our most vulnerable low income families, children, senior citizens and persons with disabilities against the harmful effects of the heat remaining this summer."

States can use the funds to pay cooling bills, buy air conditioners, or provide other means of assistance to help low-income families and individuals. The $55 million is allocated to the nine states most affected by the extreme heat, based on the severity of the heat wave and the number of low-income households in the state, as well as consideration of other resources available to assist in dealing with the situation. Of the $55 million, $9,003 will go directly to three tribes in Indiana, Kansas and Nebraska.

LIHEAP funds provide cooling and heating assistance to approximately 4 to 5 million households annually. Nearly half are families with children under 18. Senior citizens, persons with disabilities and working poor individuals are also served by this program. Seventy percent of these households have incomes below $8,000 per year.

The following is the amount of assistance each state will receive:

Illinois $15,958,676
Indiana 7,143,601
Iowa 3,498,425
Kansas 3,307,073
Kentucky 7,749,823
Minnesota 3,080,093
Missouri 7,637,125
Nebraska 2,134,712
Wisconsin 4,490,472

Actuality with Secretary Shalala available at 1-800-621-2984.


Note: HHS press releases are available on the World Wide Web at: