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Date: Thursday, July 18, 1996
Contact: HHS Press Office (202) 690-6343

Advisory Council on Violence Against Women Marks a Year of Progress

The Advisory Council on Violence Against Women met today to mark the one-year anniversary since the Council's creation by the Clinton Administration. Co-chaired by Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna E. Shalala and Attorney General Janet Reno, the Council consists of 47 experts -- representatives from law enforcement, media, business, health and social services, victim advocacy, and survivors -- who are working to prevent violence against women.

Secretary Shalala gave members an update on the National Domestic Violence Hotline, unveiled by President Clinton on Feb. 21, 1996. This 24-hour, toll-free, bilingual hotline provides crisis assistance and local shelter referrals to women across the country.

Since its opening, the hotline has received over 33,000 calls -- far exceeding expectations. The vast majority of callers are first time help-seekers. Women placed 89 percent of the calls and men made 11 percent of the calls to the hotline. In addition, 64 percent of the callers identified themselves as victims of domestic violence, 19 percent as family and friends of victims, and 3 percent as batterers. The remaining 14 percent were professional service providers and members of the public. The hotline was established through an HHS grant authorized under the Violence Against Women Act, part of the 1994 Crime Bill championed by President Clinton. The hotline number is 1-800-799-SAFE and the TDD number is 1-800-799-3224.

"Violence against women is a national epidemic, and the Clinton Administration is working on all fronts to address the crisis," Secretary Shalala said. "The Advisory Council on Violence Against Women is a landmark public-private collaboration that ensures that the best resources in the country are devoted to education, intervention, and prevention."

"In every area of the country, we are seeing activities that were not underway a year ago," Attorney General Janet Reno said. "Prosecutors and police are being trained, victim advocates have important new resources, and collaborative efforts are moving ahead."

Today's meeting is the third since the Council was formed on July 13, 1995. In the past year, the Council has initiated and helped implement a number of public and private-sector projects aimed at helping victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and preventing violence against women across the country. The Council has been involved in the following new initiatives: