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News Release

Thursday, May 22, 2003

Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343

Secretary of Health and Human Services
Regarding Congressional Passage of Global AIDS Funding

I congratulate and thank the members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives for their rapid action in passing legislation responding to the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. Their action, which was achieved in just over 100 days after the President unveiled his proposal in the State of the Union address, is generous and far-sighted. It will make an entirely new level of resources available from the United States to help poor nations that are among those hardest-hit by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

I cannot overstate the importance of the President's vision and of this action by the Congress. This response by the United States is contributing to a new feeling of urgency, vigor and hope. This "can-do" attitude is fundamental in turning the tide for these nations.

The rest of the world needs to join the United States in this hopeful new vision and in providing the resources to bring it to reality. I have carried that message to all nations at the World Health Assembly this week, and in particular to the wealthy nations of the European Union. The President will reemphasize this call in Europe next month, and I will do the same at further meetings in June at the World Health Organization.


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Last Revised: May 27, 2003