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News Release

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Contact: CMS Public Affairs
(202) 690-6145

States Get Federal Backing to Build More Efficient, High Quality Medicaid Systems

HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt today awarded $103 million to 27 states across the nation to fund implementation of new ways to improve Medicaid efficiency, economy and quality of care.

States will use the funds to implement innovative systems to get more value out of the money they spend providing health care to their low-income elderly, children and disabled citizens.

Congress approved a total of $150 million for these Medicaid “transformation grants” in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) to be distributed over fiscal years 2007 and 2008. Today’s award of the first $103 million will be followed later in the year with a second solicitation for the remaining $47 million. States will receive the funds over the next two years.

“These transformation grants express the core goal of this administration to give states the kind of flexibility they need to deliver high quality care in an efficient and economical way,” Secretary Leavitt said. “With these grants states can streamline and modernize their systems, stabilize the exponential growth of the program and protect it into the future.”

In part, the funds will support more widespread use of electronic health care records that can be accessed by whole treatment teams, a move within the medical community to improve quality of care and reduce the potential for medical errors.

Permissible uses of grant funds included:

  • Reducing patient error rates through the implementation of technology (electronic health records, clinical decision support tools or e-prescribing programs).
  • Improving rates of collection from estates of amounts owed under Medicaid.
  • Reducing waste, fraud, and abuse under Medicaid, such as reducing improper payment rates.
  • Increasing the utilization of generic drugs through education programs and other incentives. This reduces Medicaid expenditures for covered outpatient drugs, particularly in the categories of greatest drug utilization.
  • Improving access to primary and specialty physician care for the uninsured using integrated university-based hospital and clinic systems.
  • Implementation of a medication risk management program as part of a drug use review program.

The awards granted today vary in amount depending on each state’s application. Some states submitted more than one grant proposal and will receive funds for each project.

No state matching funds are required for these special grants. More information on the grants and how state Medicaid agencies can apply for the next round of awards is on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Web site at:

State awards are as follows:

State Name

Project Name

Total Funded


Together for Quality - Health Information Systems



Medicaid Health Information Exchange Utility Project



Electronic Verification of Proof of Citizenship



Health Information Exchange and e-Prescribing



Comprehensive Medicaid Integration (Patient Data Hub)



GenRx Expansion



Open Vista ASP Network



Predictive Modeling System



Medicaid Estate Recovery Centralization and Automation Project



Using Predictive Modeling Technology to Improve Preventive Healthcare in the Disabled Medicaid Population



Health Information Partnership



Automated Fraud and Abuse Tracking



Secure Verification of Citizenship through Automation of Vital Records



One Source Credentialing



Expansion of Vital Records Automation and Integration Into Medicaid



Communication and Accountability for Primary Care System (CAPS)



As One - Together for Health



Enhancing EHR - Clinical Decision Making


New Jersey

Medical Information for Children


New Mexico



New Mexico

Electronic Health Record Project


New York

Fingerprint Authentication at Point of Service


North Dakota

Web-based Electronic Pharmacy Claim Submission Interface


Rhode Island

IT Infrastructure Transformation



Electronic Prescription Pilot Project



Electronic Health Passport for Foster Care



Developing a Pharmacotherapy Risk Management System with an Electronic Surveillance Tool


West Virginia

Healthier Medicaid Members through Personal Responsibility


West Virginia

Healthier Medicaid Members through a Stronger Medicaid Program


West Virginia

Healthier Medicaid Members through Health Systems Improvement


West Virginia

Healthier Medicaid Members through Applied Technology


West Virginia

Healthier Medicaid Members through Enhanced Medication Mgmt



Health Information Exchange Initiative






Note: All HHS press releases, fact sheets and other press materials are available at

Last revised: January 20, 2009