UI as a Safety Net for Former TANF Recipients

Appendix B:
Glossary of UI Related Terms and Acronyms

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Adjusted Difference This is the difference in means from two samples adjusting for the differences in observable characteristics of individuals in the two samples. For example, the adjusted difference in the UI beneficiary rate between TANF and non-TANF persons accounts for differences across the two groups in age, gender, race, educational attainment, UI qualification criteria, industry and occupation of past employment, local labor market conditions, and county of residence. Adjusted differences are often computed in a multiple regression model with a binary indicator variable for inclusion in one of the samples, or after statistical matching.

Base Period
Typically, the first four of the five quarters prior to UI filing that are used to determine if the individual has sufficient wage credits to qualify for UI.
Someone who received a UI payment.
Benefit Year
The 52-week period starting with the BYB date. It is the time period during which available benefits resulting from a UI claim can be collected.
Benefit year begin (BYB) date is the Sunday date in the week an application, or claim, for UI benefits is submitted to the state UI agency.
Benefit year end (BYE) date is the Saturday date in week 52 weeks after the BYB date of an application for UI benefits.
A data sample for analysis that has been constructed using clearly specified selection criteria. For example, in this study the Michigan 2000 cohort includes persons who received TANF benefits in Michigan at some point in 2000 and left TANF for employment by the first quarter of 2001.
Entitled Duration
The maximum number of weeks an individual can collect UI benefits. The duration of UI entitlement depends directly on the level of base period employment and earnings up to a maximum set by the state legislature. Most states provide a 26 week maximum duration of entitlement; Massachusetts and Washington provide up to 30 weeks.
Someone who collects all available UI benefits, the maximum benefits payable (MBP), during their benefit year.
Weeks Full-time Equivalent Weeks of UI is defined as the total amount of UI compensation someone received in their benefit year divided by their weekly benefit amount (WBA).
Maximum Benefits Payable is the maximum amount of UI benefits someone could collect during their benefit year and is computed as the weekly benefit amount (WBA) multiplied by entitled duration in weeks.
Monetary Eligibility
A UI claimant has sufficient employment and earnings history to qualify for UI benefits.
New Unemployment
The first quarter with earnings less than $100 for someone who exited TANF for employment.
Non-Monetary Eligibility
A UI claimant had a job separation that did not disqualify him or her from collecting UI benefits. That is, the job separation did not involve a voluntarily quit or justifiable dismissal for cause. Furthermore, that claimant is able, available, and actively seeking full-time work.
Ordinary Least Squares is a statistical technique to estimate parameters of a linear relationship between an outcome of interest (such as returning to TANF) and factors (variables) thought to influence that outcome.
Simple Difference
The result from subtraction of one sample mean from another. It is simple in contrast to an adjusted difference that measures the difference in means across two samples while controlling for observable characteristics of sample observations.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
After TANF receipt, the first quarter in which TANF payments are zero while earnings are $100 or more in that or the following calendar quarter.
TANF Leaver
Someone who satisfies the conditions for TANF exit.
Unemployment Insurance
UI Eligible
An applicant for UI who satisfies both monetary and non-monetary eligibility conditions to receive UI benefits.
Weekly Benefit Amount or the amount of UI paid to someone who is unemployed and does no paid work in a particular week. The WBA for an individual increases with the prior level of earnings and is set between minimum and maximum limits determined by state legislatures based on considerations of social adequacy and sufficiency. Modest earnings during a UI benefit year week can result in a weekly UI compensation payment less than the full WBA for an individual.

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Last updated: 04/14/08