U S Department of Health and Human Services www.hhs.gov

Pharmacist Center

  • NEWS ALERT: Your local Medicare contractor (carrier, fiscal intermediary, or Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC)) is a valuable source of news and information regarding Medicare business in your specific practice location. Through their electronic mailing lists, your local contractor can quickly provide you with information pertinent to your geographic area, such as local coverage determinations, local provider education activities, etc. If you have not done so already, you should go to your local contractor website and sign up for their listserv or e-mailing list. Many contractors have links on their home page to take you to their registration page to subscribe to their listserv. If you do not see a link on the homepage, just search their site for "listserv" or "e-mail list" to find the registration page. If you do not know the Web address of your contractor's homepage, it is available at
    http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MLNProducts/downloads/CallCenterTollNumDirectory.zip on the CMS website. (Posted: 3/3/2009)
  • 2009 Part B Drug CAP Announcement  (posted September 10, 2008) 
  • Comprehensive List of Links to Part D Tools for Health Care Professionals Available on the Provider Center Page

Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Spotlights

Go to the What's New page for the latest MLN products and announcements!  Check it often!

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