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March 2009

Women's History Month
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LEGEND:  (W) = Website Feature  (LP) = Lesson Plan (PA) = Picturing America (WTP) = We the People Bookshelf

1781 The Articles of Confederationis formally ratified.
The President Under the Articles of Confederation (LP)

March 1, 1692 Salem, Massachusetts authorities interrogated Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne, and an Indian slave, Tituba, to determine if they indeed practiced witchcraft.
Understanding the Salem Witch Trials (LP)

1807 Congress prohibits the importation of slaves effective January 1, 1808.
After the American Revolution: Free African Americans in the North (LP)

1820 Missouri Compromise
A House Dividing: The Growing Crisis of Sectionalism in Antebellum America (LP)

1933 Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins becomes the first woman cabinet officer.
Eleanor Roosevelt and the Rise of Social Reform in the 1930s (LP)

1861 Lincoln's first presidential inauguration
We Must Not Be Enemies: Lincoln's First Inaugural Address (LP)

1865, Lincoln delivers his second inaugural address
The Second Inaugural Address (1865) - Restoring the Union

Lincoln/Net (W)

1917 Suffragist Jeanette Rankin elected to US House of Representatives
Women & Social Movement in US 1775-1940 (W)

1946 In Fulton, Missouri, Winston Churchill announces that an “Iron Curtain” had descended across Europe.
The Origins of the Cold War 1945-49 (LP)

1857 Dred Scott decision, U.S. Supreme Court
Abraham Lincoln, the 1860 Election, and the Future of the American Union and Slavery (LP)

1933 Roosevelt declares a four-day bank holiday
The Power of Words: FDR's Fireside Chats (LP)

1475 Born—Michelangelo, Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet


Picturing America (W)

Civil rights march, Selma to Montgomery, Alabama 1965
Ordinary People, Ordinary Places: The Civil Rights Movement (LP)

1884, Susan B. Anthony addresses the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives arguing for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would grant women the right to vote.
Who Were the Foremothers of Women's Equality? (LP)

1908 First International Women's Day, founded by German labor activist Clara Zetkin

1981 President Carter proclaims “National Women’s History Week”

1987 Congress declares “National Women’s History Month”

1841 "Amistad" court case
Who Was Cinque? (LP)

1854 Born—Hallie Quinn Brown, women's right activist
Cultural Change (LP)

1913 Death of Harriet Tubman, Underground Railroad conductor
Spirituals (LP)

1941 President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act
FDR and the Lend-Lease Act (LP)

1959 Lorraine Hansbury's Raisin in the Sun opens on Broadway
The Quest for the American Dream in A Raisin in the Sun (LP)

1947 Truman Plan to help Greece and Turkey
The Strategy of Containment, 1947-1948 (LP)

FDR's First Fireside Chat
The Power of Words: FDR's Fireside Chats

1907 Stock market plunges—economic depression begins
Worth a Thousand Words: Depression-Era Photographs (LP)

1793 Eli Whitney obtains a patent for the cotton gin.
Factory vs. Plantation in the North and South (LP)


Women’s Suffrage: Why the West First? (LP)

1751 Born—James Madison
James Madison: From Father of the Constitution to President (LP)

1431 Last day of Joan of Arc's examination at her trial
Witnesses to Joan of Arc and The Hundred Years' War (LP)

1766 Parliament repeals Stamp Act
Colonial Broadsides and the American Revolution (LP)

1920 The Senate fails to ratify the Versailles Treaty ending World War I and establishing a League of Nations.
The Great War Evaluating the Treaty of Versailles (LP)

1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin & American Culture (W)

1965 Reverend Martin Luther King leads civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama
Competing Voices of the Civil Rights Movement (LP)

1765 British Parliament enacts Stamp Act
Colonial Broadsides and the American Revolution (LP)

1940 Born—Ghanaian writer Ama Ata Aidoo
Women in Africa: Tradition and Change (LP)


Scribbling Women (W)

1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City kills 146 immigrant women workers
New Deal Network (W)

1874 Born—Robert Frost
Poems That Tell a Story: Narrative and Persona in the Poetry of Robert Frost (LP)

1962 U.S. Supreme Court establishes principle of one man, one vote.
The Supreme Court: The Judicial Power of the United States (LP)

1912 First Lady Helen Taft and Viscountess Chinda, wife of the Japanese ambassador, plant first cherry trees in Washington, DC
Women in the White House (LP)


1951 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg found guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage
Soviet Espionage in America (LP)

1870 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution—race no bar to voting rights
Ordinary People, Ordinary Places: The Civil Rights Movement (LP)

1776 Abigail Adams wrote her famous "Remember the ladies" letter
Remember the Ladies (LP)

1933 Civilian Conservation Corps established
African-Americans and the New Deal’s Civilian Conservation Corps (LP)