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May 6, 2009 -- Updated 1308 GMT (2108 HKT)
Obama faces test on Afghanistan, Pakistan
Pakistan's military is involved in heavy fighting with Taliban militants. (AFP/Getty Images)

Obama faces test on Afghanistan, Pakistan

U.S. President Barrack Obama's ambitious strategy for Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan, dubbed "Afpak," faces its first test when he meets with the leaders of both countries. Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari (pictured) is facing a growing humanitarian crisis at home as thousands of civilians attempt to flee intense fighting between the military and Taliban militants in the Swat Valley. full story
Pictures from Manchester United's defeat of Arsenal in their Champions League semifinal clash
The people of Indonesia's Java Island still follow ancestral wedding traditions but have added a new twist
Warnings have been issued about the potential of non-conventional remedies to cure 2009 H1N1
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Woody Allen is back in hometown New York with latest film "Whatever Works," starring Larry David.
Vibrant Vietnam
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The ideas man
Serial innovator Saul Griffith's ideas can make the world a better place, just don't brand them 'green'.
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Can Asia save the day?
China and India's economies are still growing and experts suggest they could pull the world out of recession.
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What do you think of a job offering $100,000 to live on an Australian island?


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