NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Northwest Region
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Puget Sound Rockfish Endangered Species Act Listing Proposal

Apr. 22, 2009:  NOAA Fisheries Service announced that it is proposing to list three species of Puget Sound rockfish under the ESA, and requested public review and comment. Bocaccio is proposed as “endangered,” and canary and yelloweye rockfish are proposed for “threatened” status. The agency concluded that listing is not warranted for greenstriped and redstripe rockfish.

NOAA will consider and address all substantive comments received by June 22, 2009. You may submit comments by e-mail through the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. See the documents below for more information, or contact Eric Murray, 503-231–2378.


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Page last updated: April 23, 2009
