Solid Waste Management

The term "Solid Waste" means the unwanted or discarded material resulting from a building's normal, day-to-day activities. GSA separates this waste into hazardous waste, recyclable materials, construction waste and municipal waste. This comprehensive approach to Solid Waste continues to provide challenges and rewards to GSA's associates and our customers.

Construction Waste Management (CWM) joined hazardous waste, recycling and municipal waste as part of GSA's Solid Waste Management Program in 2000. GSA assists in implementing the laws, regulations and policies covering solid waste disposal as well as compiles data for congressional reports. Each GSA region administers its own programs involving the proper handling, hauling and recycling of materials and submits data to GSA's National Office.

To encourage and reward sound waste management practices, GSA hosts two annual award programs -- GSA Environmental Awards and the CWM Demolition Derby. The GSA Environmental Awards focus on waste prevention and appropriate nominations are submitted to the White House Closing the Circle Awards each year, usually in January. There are two categories in the Demolition Derby -- Projects in Process and Completed Projects. Winners from both award programs join the GSA Environmental Executive at the Annual Earth Day Awards Ceremony in Washington, DC.

Last Reviewed 2/10/2009