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Announcing the 2009 EDA University Center Showcase in the Denver Region

June 9-11, 2009
Hilton Garden Inn
Denver, Colorado

Presentations and discussions on ways eight universities in the EDA Denver Region are becoming agents for regional competitiveness and economic growth.  The initiatives to be showcased encompass entrepreneurship, advanced manufacturing, economic diversification and industrial research.  Universities are competitively selected every three years to receive federal support for their economic development work under EDA’s University Center Program.  

Open to EDA-funded University Centers and to universities, colleges and other parties interested in the EDA University Center program.

Registration cost is $155 per person (includes lunches and reception). Registration deadline is Friday, May 22, 2009.

For more information and to register, go to *

* Note:  The website will be updated periodically. If you encounter a certificate warning when entering the site, click on “Continue to this website”.

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