Economic Development Administratrion
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Economic Development Administration

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This section provides current information on EDA's Programs, Investment Policies and Funding Opportunities.

The section also provides easy access to Laws and Regulations that apply to EDA's Programs, and guidance for those who may be interested in applying for EDA's Investment Awards.

The Programs page provides descriptions of EDA’s different investment programs: Public Works and Economic Development, Economic Adjustment Assistance, Research and National Technical Assistance, Local Technical Assistance, Planning Program, University Center Economic Development, and Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms.

The Investment Policy Guidelines page outlines what EDA is looking for in potential applicants and what it believes will truly lead to economic development.

The Federal Funding Opportunities and Other Notices page provides links to solicitations for EDA's economic development assistance programs.

The Laws and Regulations page outlines the rules and regulations that apply directly to EDA related activities.

The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS) Summary of Requirements PDF, provides a synopsis of the requirements for comprehensive economic development strategies. Click HERE for a plain background version for printing.

The Application Requirements page provides a detailed explanation of what is expected from applicants throughout the application process including links to application forms.

The Post-Award Requirements page outlines Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Grant Reporting Requirements, Financial Reporting Requirements and Performance Reporting Requirements with GPRA Forms and Instructions.

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