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Earthquake Lists & Maps

United States World
Deadly Earthquakes Deaths from U. S. Earthquakes

Map of Damaging U.S. Earthquakes
1750 - 1996
1,000+ Deaths since 1900

50,000+ Deaths

Deadliest Earthquake each Year since 1990
Earthquake Density Maps United States, Alaska and Hawaii World
Earthquake Information by State
Compilation of links
by Country/Region
Compilation of links

by Year
1990 - present

Today in Earthquake History
Earthquake Statistics United States
Number of earthquakes per year, listed by magnitude range, 2000 to present
Number of earthquakes per year, listed by magnitude range, 2000 to present
Historic Earthquakes United States List
Selected earthquakes of general historic interest.
Since 1700, by date, State, or magnitude, with links to event summary pages
World List
Selected earthquakes of general historic interest since 856AD, by date, Country, or magnitude, with links to event summary pages

Earthquake News & Highlights Archive
2002 - present (updated automatically)
Largest Earthquakes United States
List, maps, links to event summary pages, photos, isoseismal maps

Largest Earthquake in Each State
List, map, links to event summary pages

M7.0+ Earthquakes in Each State
List, links to event summary pages

Top Earthquake States
States with the most Quakes - lists and maps
Since 1900, list, maps, links to event summary pages, KML

Largest Earthquake each Year since 1990

M8.0+ Earthquake List
1900 - present, by date, Country, and fatalities
Last Earthquake in each State in each Country/Region
Seismicity Maps United States and Regional Maps World and Regional Maps
Significant Earthquakes M6.5+ 1986 - 1989 (PDE's)
List with comments
M6.5+ since 1977 (PDE's)
List with comments
Earthquake Facts & Statistics