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Department of Health & Human Services
Administration for Children and Families


Program Office:

Office of Community Services

Funding Opportunity Title:

Job Opportunities for Low-Income Individuals (JOLI)

Announcement Type:


Funding Opportunity Number:


CFDA Number:


Due Date for Applications:



This is a Modification to the Job Opportunities for Low-Income Individuals (JOLI) Program Announcement, HHS-2008-ACF-OCS-EO-0054 published to the ACF Grant Opportunities webpage on April 22, 2008.  The application procedures are hereby modified.


The Office of Community Services' (OCS) Job Opportunities for Low- Income Individuals (JOLI) program helps low-income individuals achieve economic self-sufficiency.  The purpose of the JOLI program is to create jobs to be filled by low-income individuals.  JOLI applicants provide technical and/or financial assistance to private employers in the community to assist them in creating employment and business opportunities for individuals receiving TANF and other low-income individuals. 

Modification to the published announcement:

Please delete the following under Section V., Application Review Information, Evaluation Criteria, under Budget Justification, “b”: 

For micro-enterprise/self-employment projects, the applicant must applicant and the business owner(s).

Please replace the deleted language under Section V., Application Review Information, Evaluation Criteria, Budget Justification,”b,” with the following:

For self-employment/micro-enterprise projects, the applicant must provide documentation of the financial commitment between the applicant and the business owner. 

Modification to the published announcement:

Please delete the following under Section V., Application Review Information, Evaluation Criteria, Budget Justification,“c”: 

Note: Grantees that acquire intangible property under this program will be required to submit to ACF a copy of all executed shareholder agreements, loan agreements and any other documentation to show proof of the purchase of such property and that the property is being used for the originally authorized purpose of the grant.

Please replace the deleted language under Section V., Application Review Information, Evaluation Criteria, Budget Justification “c,” with the following:

Note: Grantees will be required to submit to ACF a copy of all executed shareholder agreements, loan agreements and any other documentation to show proof of the purchase of such property and that the property is being used for the originally authorized purpose of the grant.

All information in this modification is accurate and replaces information specified in the April 22, 2008 Program Announcement


To access this Program Announcement please go to the ACF Grant Opportunities webpage at or to

For further information, please contact Rafael Elizalde at (800) 281-9519 or



Date:  05/06/2008 Josephine B. Robinson
Office of Community Services

Posted on May 9, 2008