NWCG Logo with three chain links superimposed over a flame.
NWCG logo with three chain links superimposed over a flame.

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Organization Meetings Minutes Memorandums Budget By-laws and Operating Principles


The Departments of Agriculture and the Interior are authorized to enter into cooperative agreements by the Protection Act of 1922 (42 Stat. 857; 16 U.S.C. 594) and the Economy Act of 1932 (31 U.S.C. 686). In addition, the Secretaries have entered into Memoranda of Understanding dated January 28, 1943, and February 21, 1963, to provide adequate wildfire, management and protection to the lands under their respective jurisdictions.  These Memoranda of Understanding, as amended, serve in lieu of a formal charter.

State representation is authorized by the Cooperative Forest Assistance Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-313, dated July 1, 1978).



The NWCG membership is made up of representatives from each of the Federal land management agencies and the National Association of State Foresters. The Chair is elected from the membership of NWCG. The Chair may appoint a recorder, secretary, and other officers necessary for the functioning of the Group.

The NWCG Organization chart (PDF, 13 KB) shows the current representatives.

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National Wildfire Coordinating Group meets three times annually.

The Chairperson shall submit necessary reports and have minutes prepared for each meeting. Minutes are distributed to members for comments and also to the Working Team Chairpersons. Approval of the previous meeting's minutes is made at each meeting. The NASF representatives arrange for distribution of NWCG minutes to State Foresters.

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Salary, travel, and incidental costs of representatives and committee members shall normally be borne by their respective agencies. Any extraordinary costs shall be covered by a written agreement among the agencies.

NWCG Allocation Document - July 2000


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