Online Guide to Quitting
Find New Things To Do
Starting today you may want to create some new habits. Here are some things you might try:
- Swimming, jogging, playing tennis, bike riding, or shooting baskets.
It's hard to smoke and do these things at the same time. How about walking
your dog?
- Keep your hands busy. Do crossword puzzles or needlework. Paint. Do
woodworking, gardening, or household chores. You can also write a letter
or paint your nails.
- Enjoy having a clean tasting mouth. Brush your teeth often and use mouthwash.
- Take a stretch when you're tempted to reach for a cigarette.
Set aside time for the activities that satisfy you and mean the most to you. There are natural breaks even during a busy day. After dinner, first thing in the morning, or just before bed are good examples. You'll also need plenty of rest while you get used to your smoke-free lifestyle.