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L3 Daily Gridded Ocean Wind Vectors

Product 142


Source/sensor: SeaWinds on ADEOS-II

Coverage: 10 April 2003 to 24 October 2003, global

The SeaWinds on ADEOS-II Level 3 data set consists of gridded values of scalar wind speed, meridional and zonal components of wind velocity, wind speed squared and time given in fraction of a day. Rain probability determined using the Multidimensional Histogram (MUDH) Rain Flagging technique is also included as an indicator of wind values which may have degraded accuracy due to the presence of rain. Data are currently available in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) and exist from 10 April 2003 to present.

The Level 3 data were obtained from the Direction Interval Retrieval with Threshold Nudging (DIRTH) wind vector solutions contained in the SeaWinds Level 2B data and are provided on an approximately 0.25 x 0.25 degree, global grid. Separate maps are provided for both the ascending pass (6AM LST equator crossing) and descending pass (6PM LST equator crossing). By maintaining the data at nearly the original Level 2B sampling resolution and separating the ascending and descending passes, very little overlap occurs in one day. However, when overlap between subsequent swaths does occur, the values are over-written, not averaged. Therefore, a SeaWinds on ADEOS-II Level 3 file contains only the latest measurement for each day.

These data are available via anonymous FTP to in the pub/ocean_wind/seawinds/L3 directory. Documentation, read software, and further information may also be obtained from the PO.DAAC SeaWinds web site,

In addition to the above mentioned Level 3 Product which was created by the SeaWinds on ADEOS-II Project, several additional Level 3 products have been produced by members of the SeaWinds on ADEOS-II Science Working Team. Many of these products provide the SeaWinds data on coarser grids (0.5 degree or 1 degree), at smaller time intervals (6 or 12 hour maps) and use advanced interpolation techniques to fill gaps in the wind fields. A list of the publicly available SeaWinds Level 3 products produced by SeaWinds on ADEOS-II Science Working Team members can be found on the PO.DAAC SeaWinds on ADEOS-II web site.

Data Set Volume: One file is approximately 6MB compressed

Smallest order: One file via FTP

Standard Product: FTP

Data Format: HDF

Media Format: Media Format: These data are available via PO.DAAC's FTP tool.


J. Haarpainter, R.T. Tonboe, D.G. Long and M. L. VanWoert, "Automatic Detection and Validity of the Sea Ice Edge: An Application of Enhanced Resolution QuikScat/SeaWinds Data," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 42, No. 7, pp. 1433-1443, 2004.

Dunbar, R.S., S.V. Hsiao, and B.H. Lambrigtsen,
"Science Algorithm Specifications for the NASA Scatterometer Project", Vol. 1 (Sensor Algorithms) and Vol. 2 (Geophysical Algorithms),
JPL D-5610 (597-521), October 2001.

Freilich, M. H.,
"SeaWinds Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document",

Huddleston, J.N. and B.W. Stiles,
"Multidimensional Histogram (MUDH) Rain Flag Product Description, Version 2.1",
JPL, Pasadena, CA, 2000.

LaPointe, J.,
"Level 3 Data Software Interface Specification (SIS-2)",
JPL D-19147, (686-644-23 Rev A), October 2003.

Stiles, B.W.,
"Special Wind Vector Data Product: Direction Interval Retrieval with Threshold Nudging (DIRTH) Product Description, Version 1.1",
JPL, Pasadena, CA, 1999.

Weiss, B. and J. LaPointe,
"Level 2B Data Software Interface Specification (SIS-2)",
JPL D-20564, (686-644-3 Rev D), October 2003.

Weiss, B. and J. LaPointe,
"Level 2A Data Software Interface Specification (SIS-2)",
JPL D-20563, (686-644-2 Rev D), October 2003.

Weiss, B. and J. LaPointe,
"Level 1B Data Software Interface Specification (SIS-2)",
JPL D-20562, (686-644-1 Rev C), October 2003.

Zhang, A., R.S. Dunbar, S.V. Hsiao, K. Pak, Y. Kim,
"Science Algorithm Specifications for SeaWinds,"
Internal JPL SeaWinds project document, 1996, 1999.

"NSCAT: Scientific Applications," American Geophysical Union collection of NSCAT papers reprinted from J. Geophys. Res., Geophys. Res. Letters, Eos, Transactions, AGU, 1999. Logo Privacy/Copyright NASA Logo User Services:
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