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HHS Recovery Act Fund Oversight
Recovery Act Related Links
- The Recovery Act Homepage
- http://www.recovery.gov/
- Recovery.gov is a Web site that lets taxpayers figure out where the money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is going. This Web site is the main vehicle to provide each and every citizen with the ability to monitor the progress of the recovery. It features information on how the Act is working, tools to help users hold the government accountable, and up-to-date data on the expenditure of funds.
- Recovery Accountability and Transparency (RAT) Board
- http://www.recovery.gov/?q=content/recovery-accountability-and-transparency-board&x=1
- The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board was created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to coordinate and conduct oversight of funds distributed under this law in order to prevent fraud, waste and abuse.
- The Board includes a Chairman, Earl E. Devaney, appointed by the President, and ten Inspectors General specified by the Act. These include the Inspectors General for the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Education, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Justice, Transportation, Treasury and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.
- Department of Health and Human Services Recovery Act Web Site
- http://www.hhs.gov/recovery/
- HHS is responsible for an estimated $137 billion that has been made available through the Recovery Act in order to produce more jobs, expand health care and the health care workforce, provide an advance payment on health reform priorities in Health IT, Prevention, and Comparative Effectiveness Research, expand social services, and speed progress in biomedical research.
- Federal Agency Recovery Act Web Sites
- http://www.recovery.gov/?q=content/agencies
- Federal agencies are establishing their own Recovery Act Web pages and are posting weekly reports. These reports contain information on funding, major actions taken so far, and those actions planned for the near-term.
- Government Accountability Office (GAO) Recovery Act Web Site
- http://www.gao.gov/recovery/index.html
- The GAO is responsible for helping promote accountability and transparency and ensure that Recovery Act funds are used as specified. Among other efforts, GAO will conduct bimonthly reviews on how funds are used by selected states and localities; review specific areas, such as trade, education, small business, and health care; and comment on reports filed by fund recipients.
- Recovery Act Grants
- http://www.grants.gov/applicants/recovery.jsp
- Grants.gov is the central information source on federal government grants. The Grants.gov Recovery Act page provides links to information from all federal departments and agencies with Recovery Act-funded grant opportunities.
- Guidelines to Combat Grant Fraud
- http://www.grants.gov/assets/CombatGrantFraud.pdf (PDF)
- The National Procurement Fraud Task Force was created to promote the prevention, early detection and prosecution of procurement fraud. The task force has recognized that a large part of government dollars lost to fraud, waste and abuse includes dollars lost to grant fraud. The task force’s Grant Fraud Committee published this white paper to provide recommendations to enhance the grant oversight process and identify best practices for combating grant fraud.
- State Government Recovery Act Web Sites
- http://www.recovery.gov/?q=content/state-recovery-page
- Many state government Web sites now have their own recovery Web pages that help explain how they are spending funds allocated by the Recovery Act.