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Directory of Housing Development Resources

Affordable Housing Design Advisor
This site provides a step-by-step guide for incorporating effective design principles into housing projects. Design strategies are available for every phase of project development, including first concepts, planning and design, construction, and long-term operation.

Center for Community Change
The center works with low-income communities to build community capacity, build homes, develop businesses, and encourage leadership development. It also provides assistance with organizing, fundraising, and financial management.

Consortium for Housing and Asset Management
CHAM supports community-based organizations in property and asset management, and offers training for managers working in the affordable and nonprofit housing industry. The consortium is a collaboration of The Enterprise Foundation, the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, and the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation.

The Enterprise Foundation's Tools for Rural Housing Development
The Enterprise Foundation offers a comprehensive set of tools focusing on Rural Housing, including how-tos on the development process, rural housing finance, rural homeownership, rural rental housing, policy and legislation, and housing and poverty analyses. Visit the Enterprise Resource Database (ERD) for additional information.

Housing Assistance Council
The council provides technical assistance to public, nonprofit, and private organizations for the development of single- and multi-family homes, and sponsors training workshops emphasizing housing development, financing, construction, and nonprofit management. The site provides access to the council's biweekly newsletter and quarterly magazine, and to reports on many rural housing issues.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
This site offers information about low-income energy issues, including consumption, conservation, service delivery, and excessive energy burdens. LIHEAP also helps eligible low-income persons find financial assistance to pay for energy expenses.

National Trust for Historic Preservation Report on Creating Affordable Housing Out of Older Structures
The National Trust for Historic Preservation has published a report to assist communities in redeveloping their older structures as affordable housing projects. The report, Rebuilding Community: A Best Practices Toolkit for Historic Preservation and Redevelopment, details 24 housing stories that increase affordable housing stock through community renewal. Strategies for success include creative design and marketing programs, new financing techniques, and public policy initiatives.
Read the report.

Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation supports the revitalization of older urban neighborhoods by mobilizing public, private, and community resources at the neighborhood level. NRC focuses on research; affordable housing; building the capacity of community-based organizations; information dissemination and collaboration; and resident leadership and community-based economic development through training.

Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse
The Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse was created by HUD for builders and developers to exchange ideas about overcoming state and local regulatory barriers to affordable housing. The clearinghouse encourages users to share experiences and solutions to increase the supply of affordable housing. Also available are a quarterly newsletter, access to a listserv and discussion boards, and a searchable database of housing-related research.

Rural Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Rural LISC provides training and technical assistance to resident-led rural community development corporations to foster affordable homeownership. LISC also lists funding and financing opportunities and works to forge alliances among rural community development corporations, funders, lenders, and policy makers.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUD provides information on the agency's housing programs and on best practices in housing development; notices of funding programs; and information on numerous housing-related topics for groups involved in housing and community development (including lenders, first-time homebuyers, nonprofits, and multifamily housing developers).

Related links:

Housing Development
Sources of Funding
News and Events
Directory of Housing Development Resources