Jump to section: Picture the Founding Fathers. |Branching Out: The Three Branches of Government. |Amending the Constitution

Picture the Founding Fathers

Visit the painting by Howard Chandler Christy that recreates the scene of the Constitutional Convention.

You may also want to look at the mural of the Founding Fathers in the National Archives building, painted by Barry Faulkner.

Find the following figures in the Christy painting:

Branching Out: The Three Branches of Government and Our System of Checks and Balances

Answer the following questions using the information provided in the text of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the remaining Amendments. Be sure to explain your answers!

"Amending the Constitution"

Answer the following questions about the Amendments to the Constitution, using the information provided in the text the Bill of Rights and the remaining Amendments to elaborate upon your answers.