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Subject: netcdf/3.6.2 now set to default and related netcdf softwares
Author: Helen He <>
Date: 2007-11-13 17:43:17
Dear NERSC MPP Users, NetCDF version 3.6.2 is now set to default on NERSC MPP platforms: Franklin, Bassi, Jacquard, and Davinci. To use, % module load netcdf Earlier versions are still available via module commands such as "module load netcdf/3.6.0". NetCDF/3.6.2 is available on Seaborg, but is not set to default due to software freeze according to decommission plan. To use: % module load netcdf/3.6.2 Other NetCDF related softwares (NCO, NCVIEW, NCCMP) are also available on various platforms. Please see "NetCDF I/O Library and Related Softwares at NERSC" page at for more details. Best Regards, Helen He NERSC User Services

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