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Subject: NERSC's IBM SP Phase II Status
Author: Francesca Verdier <>
Date: 2001-01-19 11:39:37
NERSC's IBM SP Phase II computer arrived at Berkeley Lab's Oakland Scientific Facility during the first week of January, 2001. Its name is The size and speed of the new system (a theoretical peak speed of 3.75 teraflops) would place it in the number five spot on the current list of the world's Top 500 supercomputers. Slots one through four are occupied by ASCI machines at DOE's three defense labs. seaborg consists of 158 IBM Nighthawk II 375 MHz 16-way SMP nodes with a Colony switch that allows 16 MPI tasks per node. 134 nodes are for parallel batch computation, 2 for interactive use, and 4 spare nodes will be available for batch work when not needed as spares. These 140 nodes will have 12 GB of memory each. The 16 GPFS nodes and 2 network nodes each have 8 GB of memory. seaborg currently has 10 TB of disk; another 10 TB will be added after the Phase 1 system is returned to IBM. After facility installation, and system configuration, NERSC will begin system testing and evaluation, which includes more than 150 performance, function and reliability tests. NERSC expects to be able to add a limited number of early test users during the latter parts of this testing. The phase I system, gseaborg, will be available throughout the phase II acceptance. After seaborg is accepted the 10 TB of disk on gseaborg will be moved to seaborg, and gseaborg will be decommissioned. We will announce transition plans between the two systems at a later time. Progress and additional information will posted throughout the test period at: -- Francesca Verdier email: Group Leader, NERSC User Services phone: (510) 486-7193 Lawrence Berkeley Lab fax: (510) 486-4004

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