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Subject: Seaborg Job Scheduling
Author: David Turner <>
Date: 2005-09-20 09:33:40
Greetings Seaborg User, You may notice Seaborg batch jobs starting out-of-order today and tomorrow morning, in advance of tomorrow's scheduled system maintenance. This note provides some details of the expected scheduling performance. Seaborg is scheduled for system maintenance from 14:00 Wednesday until 03:30 Thursday (all times Pacific Daylight Time). We have configured LoadLeveler so that it will not start any new job that cannot finish before 14:00 tomorrow (based on the job's requested wall time limit). As I write this, it is about 28.5 hours until the maintenance. Any currently queued job that is requesting more than 28.5 hours will not be considered for scheduling, regardless of when it was submitted. As we get closer to the maintenance time, shorter jobs will be started as nodes become available. This scheduling behavior replaces our previous method of "draining" the machine before maintenance periods. Note that it makes the use of the "backfill" submit class unnecessary. We will NOT be enabling the backfill class before tomorrow's downtime. We prefer to checkpoint/restart the entire production workload around these types of downtimes, but the nature of the software upgrades to be installed in this case precludes this approach. If you have any questions, please contact NERSC consulting at: 1-800-66-NERSC, menu option 3, 8 am - 5 pm, Pacific time (510) 486-8600, menu option 3, 8 am - 5 pm, Pacific time -- Best regards, David Turner User Services Group email: NERSC Division phone: (510) 486-4027 Lawrence Berkeley Lab fax: (510) 486-4316

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